Chapter Sixteen//Breath

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"Breath." Luke said once again.


"Ellie, honey breath."

I feel my throat start closing up, this can not be happening not before my performance. I hate how these panic attacks come to me in the most inconvenient time. It was a simple task, letting air into my lungs and out. Thats all I had to do but apparently it was to much to ask from me.

I don't understand because I like performing but I think sometimes it gets to much and this happens.

I was in the back seat of the car and my dad was on the drivers seat with my mom beside him on the passengers seat.

My mom is looking back at me trying to calm me down but nothing worked. My dad then looked back at me. While the light was red. "Follow my breath, Ellie."
He then starts breathing aloud. I try to follow his breathing pattern. The light turns green, he glances one more time at me and smiles noticing that my breathing was slowing down again. He presses the gas peddle, and with that I hear a huge noise that buzzed my ear drums and everything blacked out.


My heart beat slows down I do what I was told by my father about a year ago. I look at Luke, I let go of his arm . His cold hand touch my cheek and wipe the tear.

Never in the time I have been here would have I thought that we would be in this exact moment. Him being the one to be here, let me cry without judgement. I have no idea why I am comfortable crying around him. Something... something about him just felt safe.

I take ahold of his hand that is still laying on my cheek and hold it.

"Thank you." I say while taking a deep breath and exhaling.

"Yea." He said while shrugging and scratched the back of his neck.

"You better get back in there." I say while trying to straighten myself out.

"Eh, how about we go do something better."

"Like what?" I say interested in what he would say next.

"Come on." He gets up holding his hand out, I take a hold of his hand and get up.


We walk into a record store, it was an average size. Not to big, not to small. I hadn't been in a record store in quite a bit now, I used to always go to this little record store near where I used to live. I spent most of my time there, with one of my really close friends, more like my best friend.

"Hey Luke." A guy with dark brown hair greeted Luke.

"Hey patty" he said while smiling.

"Who is this?" The guy asked.

"This is Ellie my... my friend."

"Nice to meet you Ellie."

"Nice to meet you too." I say while nodding.

Luke walks in front of me, I following him.

He seemed to be in search for a vinyl. I looked around for a bit and found a lot of bands and artiest I listen to. I grabbed one that grabbed my attention, it was one of my favorite bands.

I handed Luke the vinyl while smiling at him. "Have you ever heard of them?" He shook his head side to side. "Bad Suns?" He says while raising one of his eyebrows. "I think you'll like them, listen to them and tell me what you think." He smiled and responded with an "ok"

"Here." He then hands me a vinyl. "State Champs?" I say. " I think you'll like them." He says trying to mimic me.

I laugh and we both go to a record player so we can listen together.


whoop here is the new update! Its kind of short but I hope you guys enjoy it!!

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