Chapter Eighteen//Broken thing

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Yesterday I had a great time with Luke. He showed me some of his songs and It made me feel like a part of me was getting to know him better. A little bit of his passed, though I still think about what Ashton told me about him not taking anything seriously but how can he do that if he is breaking. I want to help him get passed all of this. He might not be able to pass all of this 100% but I can try, right? I am a bit doubtful because though he is broken, I am broken as well and can one broken thing fix another broken thing without completely shattering?

Sunday morning I woke up feeling determined. I need to find a job, Anne is very helpful and great but she can't be helping me forever. Calum was talking about how they were hiring people at hot topic. He works there so I mean it could be kind of fun.

I leave my room and go knock Ashton's room door after two knocks be opens.

"Whats up?" He says smiling.

"Do you know Calum's number?

"Yea hold up." He goes back into his room and reaches for his phone. He then gives me his number.

"What do you want it for?" He asks.

"I just need to ask him a question." I tell him and then go back to my room.

*text messages*

E: Hey Cal!

C: Hey, who's this?

E: Its Ellie

C: Oh, what's up?😊

E: So you know a couple of days ago you were talking about how they were hiring at hot topic.

C: yea...

E: I kind of need a job and why not work with one of my friends🙂

C: I'll get you an interview. I'll talk to my boss today and I might be able to get you one for today.

E: Sounds good thanks Cal!

3:46 pm

C: I got you the interview , Its at 5:15p.m. If you want I can pick you up.

E: Really, wow okay tysm!

C: No problem.


Before I left I told Anne what I was going to do. Since she had been the one taking care of me. She was fine with it eventually, once she realized I wanted to start to take responsibility.

"Cal I am going to be honest with you. I am really nervous." I confess to him whipping my sweaty hand on my jeans.

"Don't be, it is honestly not even that big of a deal. There pretty chill about their interviews, how do you think I got into this job." We laugh together.

Throughout the whole interview I managed to find my chill. The lady that interviewed me was really nice. I have to admit I think I did pretty good on the interview. I had to fill out some papers and that she would tell Calum if I got in.

After Calum decided that we should walk around and go eat. I refused at first since I didn't have money to pay for food but Calum said he would pay. We ended up getting Panda express, Which I hadn't ate in forever. We just went to store to expensive for us to actually buy anything but we just looked around. We came across an Art store, and deep inside I swear I screamed. I grabbed Calum's hand and pulled him into the store.

"Why are we in here?" He asked looking around. I shrug and let his hand go.

"Wait do you like art?" He asks.

"mmmmm kind of." I say while looking at the different colors of paints.

"Really? I haven't seen any of your art."

"Yea I mean I haven't shown anyone any of my stuff, well beside doodles I have made on random corners of my homework that Ashton has seen but yea nothing really out of the ordinarily."

"Well I hope I see something soon." He says smiling.



I have been getting closer and closer to the boys. I feel like I can trust them, they always seem to be their and are just incredibly amazing. I don't think I would have survived this month and a half if it wasn't for them and of course Anne. It is at times hard to trust them completely but from when I met them I have definitely given them a chance—

I get cut from writing when I here my phone buzz.

C: You got the job! We are working together 😊


So I haven't included much of Cal in this book and I love Cal and felt like he needed a bit more recognition in this book. Enjoy Mall boy lol.

Anyways happy Thursday hope you sweets are having a good day!

Tomorrow is Friday bless.

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