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Mom: Actually, I you will see when you get there because I’m going to be late.

She gets up from the couch and goes to her room. Leaving me lost and confused.


There was silence as I opened my nutrigrain bar and munched on it until my mother returned. She returned from her room 15 minutes later handing me a sheet of paper as I quickly scanned the front and back of it as she stepped into her heels and inserted her ear bobs.

Me: So this is my schedule to my classes but I no address to where the place is?

Mom: yea exactly. At least you have the school’s name on there. I’m pretty sure you will find it. 

Me: But—

Mom: NO Time. I have to go. *kisses justice’s forehead* I’m off to work, have a good day honey and she closes the door.

Me: Are you fuckin serious??? I get a schedule for my classes, to a place that is in a “private location,” in a city I have never been to and yet I get no directions? *munches on cereal bar* what kind of shit is-----OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *realization* OMG. No wonder they didn’t give me the details of this place, its secret duhhhh it just hit me. I opened my bottle of juice and drank some as I grabbed my apartment keys from off the counter closed the door. I greeted my fellow neighbors as I walked down the passage ways of our building. We had those types of apartments where the outside corridor was the hallway and not an interior one. I walked down the steps carefully so I wouldn’t trip and embarrass myself as I walked onto the busy streets of downtown Atl. 

I looked around; it was similar to New York but a southern one. I don’t think I would ever have to worry about the freezing temperatures of New York down here because of the climate change. As I looked onto my schedule I see that the name of my new school was called: “Subterria.” Hmm, wonder where Subterria could be. I walked around not knowing where I was going. I’m not sure if I should even ask people where this place was because it was secret. I saw a group of girls laughing and giggling across the street at a nearby park. They seemed friendly enough to ask for directions so I checked the traffic before crossing and quickly ran across the street when I was close behind them I had politely tapped one of their shoulders to try and get their attention.

Me: Um, excuse me miss. Excuse me?

Girl: ewww, what do you want?

Me: Yea I know it’s my clothes. I didn’t want to wear these today because I have something way cooler than this---

Girl: Is there something that you want from me?

Me: Oh yes. You see I just moved here and I don’t know where everything is and today is my first day of school and so I thought that maybe you guys could help me out?

Girl: Hmmm. Ok. What’s the name of the school that you are looking for?

Me: Um, it’s called Subterria.

Girl: *confused* Subterria? 

Girl 2: *laughs* what the fuck?

Girl 3: There ain’t no school called Subterria around here.

Me: There isn’t?

Girl 3: Nope. Not that I know of.

Me: *shakes head* There must be some mistake. *shows them the schedule* See?

The girls look at the paper strangely turning it around and looking at the back. They were mumbling to themselves so only they could hear. They looked me up and down and shook their heads and gave me my schedule back.

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