Jacob's house

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I woke up early in the morning. I was bored as I went down to the living room as I heard light rain and looked out into the park though the blinds of the medium sized window. I smiled to myself thinking of my classmates down below the city probably having some fun right now. Maybe ray and chres decide to go surfing. No, I don’t think so. It hasn’t rained heavy yet. They probably are just asleep right now. I walked into the kitchen to fix me some cereal wondering what’s going to happen today?

****2 hours later****

Mom and Dad: Bye hun see you when we get back.

Me: *waves* Ok.

Mom: Oh and Jessica honey, both me and your father have late shifts tonight so we’ll be home around midnight. 

Me: Ok cool.

YES! I got the apartment all to myself!

Mom: I’m not sure if I should leave home all by yourself. Maybe I should call someone.

Me: NO. Mom. That won’t be necessary. Besides, I’m 16. I can practically take care of myself.

Dad: uh-huh. Sure. I want you in bed by 9:30 pm.

Me: DAD.

Mom: Do you think maybe you should get to know your neighbors and stay with them.

Me: I could but I don’t want to bother any of them.

Mom: It’s no bother if we’ll be gone all day and though tonight. I want to make sure that my baby is safe and under proper supervision.

Me: Don’t worry mom. I understand your concerns. Besides. Remember my friends from school?

Dad: Yea. That’s a great idea, why don’t you go to their houses and spend the night. Oh and call us every hour on the hour.

Mom: And we will call you ok?

Me: *smiles* OK. Have fun at work!

Mom and Dad: BYE LOVE!!!! *closes the door*

YES! YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I get the house to myself! OH. I get the house to myself. WOO. Popped a molly and I’m sweatin! No, I’m just kidding. I sighed and plopped on the couch. I’m already dressed for school so what am I waiting for. My parents gave me permission to go hang with the guys in subterria so that’s what I’ll do. I went into my room to go pack my bag, locked up and headed out. I was still in the proximity of my apartment complex when I saw a guy standing near the parking garage with a red and black ATL fitted cap on, a red hoodie, khaki cargo pants, and some black and red supras, an umbrella and a lollipop I nearly smiled at how cute he looked. I rushed over to hug him as he hugged me back. It was still raining outside.

Jacob: Hey justice, ready to go underground?

Me: *smiles* Yea.

Jacob: *grabs my hand* Then let’s go.

We begin walking until he stopped.

Jacob: Oops. My bad. I forgot that it was raining. *opens umbrella as we resumed walking* so how come you didn’t prepare for the weather today?

As I briefly explained my outfit and my hair do as he was looking at my bare legs and keeping his eye up ahead and sucked on his lollipop.

Jacob: So, basically you wanted to “dress up,” for me? Is that what I’m seeing? You got your hair did all curly and free, you got your little white bandeau top on, and a denim skirt and some converses and your wearing that navy blue cardigan you wore yesterday and your beautiful pearl studs and is that a silver chain necklace I see you wearing? *chuckles*

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