Feeling salty?

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{Justice’s POV}

It was a cloudy day after school as me and the crew minus Jacob was going uptown to the local dollar general so that they could have their own phones for communication and emergencies. We all walked as a group just talking about class and whatnot. It was fairly breezy but I didn’t mind. I love the air through my hair.

Nique: So justice, what type of phone are we getting?

Me: Any kind you’d like and can afford.

Nique: Cool.

Ray: HOLD-UP! HOLD-UP! Why haven’t we discussed this first? I feel like I have been dragged through.

Chres: Yea same here.

We stopped talking as ray was right. I didn’t mention this to him or the others. I briefly brought it up during lunch but I didn’t ask their opinions on it.

Me: Ok, so let’s discuss it.

Ray: What right now?

Me: yea. Would you like to get a phone today so we can keep in touch?

Ray: Well…now that you mention it. I would like to buy me a phone today.

Bahja: Why the sudden change of thought ray?

Ray: Can’t a guy buy a phone and keep in touch with his classmates?

Bahja: Oh, wait but why? We see each other just about every day and we can visit each other and stuff.

Chres: That’s clearly not the same as getting our own phone. I mean what if we need to call justice for something?

Nique: *hands on hips* for what?

Chres: Something important-

Ray: Or an emergency.

Chres: Yea, that.

Bahja: Hmm. You gotta point there.

We all continuing walking and talking til we arrive.

Cashier: Hello, welcome to Dollar General.

EB: Heyyyyy

I looked at everyone as they each had a different look on their faces. Both chres and ray looked excited, Craig and Myles looked concerned and the girls looked bored. I told the gang to follow me to where the phones were displayed. It was a small section and the store had a sale on this type of brand phone I plan on recommending for their situation.


The group looked confused.

Craig: I don’t get it. Are these the phones that we are going to buy?

Me: *raise brow* Yea, why?

I was standing in front of some tracfones that I wanted the guys to purchase. Nique walks up to the shelf where some phones were displayed. She examined them as she looked displeased with the display.

Loni: What’s wrong nique? Why u got that stank face on?

Nique: Because, these phones look-they look ugly.

Me: Ugly? That should be the least of your worries.

Nique: Well, if I’m going to buy a phone at least I want it to look pretty.

Bahja: I have to admit it. She’s right about that.

Bre: Maybe the cashier has other pretty phones in the back somewhere.

Nique: *beams* Yea, let’s go ask her.

Bre, bahja and nique went to the front to see if they had other colored phones for the tracfone. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but all they have are black and silver ones.

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