Dining out with a side of freak

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A couple weeks later on a Monday

{Justice’s POV}

We had two weeks off from school. According to Ray he told me that the maintenance crew had came down and was making sure everything was A-ok. Sirius was out of town so the crew decided to spend the week up above at his apartment to check on things, collect the mail, do some cleaning, etc.  It sounded like fun and I wanted to hang out with them except for ONE thing. My parents were off from work for at least two weeks. So you know what that meant, I had to be with them the whole time. I asked if I could hang out with my friends but they said NO, not until we spend some quality time together this week and maybe next week we’ll see. And I said ok that seems fair. So anyways we were just chilling today for day one, I of course haven’t been on Facebook in ages so I decided to check up on my friends. They were blowing up my messages and my timeline because they haven’t heard from me in a while. So we chatted into the evening around six pm. Time for dinner and I’m starving. All of us were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV while I was on my phone texting.

Mom: Hey hunni, do we have anything to cook in the fridge?

Dad: *shakes head* No, I don’t think so why?

Mom: I feel like ordering carry-out or dining in.

Me: *sits up* Me too mom.

Dad: Hmmm, that does sound like fun. What would my two fave girls want to eat at?



Mom and Dad: The Varsity?

Me: yea, you know the hotdog place up town near the interstate?

Dad: Hmmm, not sure where that is.

Mom: That name sounds familiar, like I’ve seen it somewhere on TV.

Me: WE DID!!! Remember back when we we’re in Cali and we were watching the Food Network and one of the programs showcased “The Varsity” and how they have the best hotdogs in Atlanta and that if we were ever in the area we should like totally go?

Dad: *snaps fingers* Hey yea, now I remember. Mmmm mmm, they made those hotdogs sound so good and mouthwatering.

Mom: Yea, I wouldn’t mind having me one right about now.

Me: *stands up* Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.

Mom and Dad: Ok.

Mom: But before we go, we need to get dress but remain casual.

Dad: Right. Everyone gets at least 10 minutes to get ready.

Me: So are we eating in or taking out?

Mom and Dad looked at each other and looked back at me.

Mom: Well justice, which would you prefer?

Me: Hmmm, I say dine in!

Dad: I say…..take out. I’m sorry honey bunny but I’m pooped.

Me: *whines* But daaaad, I’m wanna dine in. Don’t you want to experience the restaurant and eat there? I mean I’ve been home for too long, and I want to go out with my parents and enjoy the food and scenery.

Plus I wanna see Jacob so badly that’s the MAJOR reason I wanted my parents to go in the first place. Hee hee.

Mom: Well, she has a point there.

Dad: *sighs* Fine. We’ll eat in.

Me: YES!

Dad: *clasps hands together* Okey dokey ppl let’s get ready for the varsitaaaay!!!

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