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Loni’s POV}

It was morning and I was walking around downtown Atlanta. I didn’t want to go to North Atlanta High what was the point? I would feel so out of place and it would take forever for me to make a best friend. I thought nique would make the perfect best friend.  We have the same unique background. We don’t have any parents so we can connect with each other on those levels, but she has something that I don’t have. Well three things: her own cavern, money, and someone who loves her, ray. I’m not sure where I will go but I’ll just keep walking until I figure something out. I went down to the local food pantry to get some food. Since I’m unemployed I have no access to fresh food or can goods so I signed in and sat down for the people in the back to prepare an essential basket for me to take with me so I could have something to eat.

Girl: Hello kiloni how are you today?

Me: I’m doing ok I guess linda.

Linda: You seem a little down today. Is there anything I can do to help?

Me: No, I don’t think you can. I’ll just take my box to go thank you.

Linda: Alright. I have one of the volunteers pack it up for you.

Me: Thank you.

Linda: You’re welcome.

Linda walked off to the back as I silently moped. Other clients came in and waited too. I haven’t washed since yesterday. I went to sleep in the park. Somewhere far away where normal folk wouldn’t bother me. After 20 minutes of waiting I left with my bag since I was walking. It was a little heavy but I could manage. It was hot outside and some people offered to help me when I was walking down the street.

Me: No thank you I got it. It just takes sometime that’s all.

Man: Oh ok then. Have a good day madam.

I walked step by step with my heavy food bag down the street until a car pulled up to the curb. It looked new and shiny. It was silver and black. The driver’s side opened as I saw fresh sneakers, denim pants, a varsity jacket, chocolate hands, a low cute fade, tattoos, studded diamonds in each ear and he wore some stunna shades from 2008.

Boy: Hey little mama, you need some help with that bag you got?

Me: *studders* um I um….*nods head* mm-hmm.

Boy: Here let me give you a hand with that.

He picked up the bag with one swipe and placed it gently into the back seat.

Me: woooow. That was very kind of you. Thanks.

Boy: You’re welcome. You look lost. What’s your name gorgeous?

He called me gorgeous? I don’t believe it. I must be dreaming. Let me pinch myself.

Me: OUCH! That hurts.

Boy: What did you just do?

Me: I pinched myself.

Boy: You pinched yourself? For what?

Me: To see if I’m dreaming. No one has ever called me “gorgeous” before.

Boy: Well if that’s the case then I’m honored to be your first. *kisses loni’s hand* (she blushes)

Me: oh my.

Boy: I forgot to tell you my name “gorgeous,” it’s Deandre.

Me: Oh deandre. What a nice name for a handsome guy such as yourself.

Deandre: Thanks. So what’s your name “gawjuss?”

Me: Oh my name is too dumb. It’s nothing special. It’s ugly.

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