Art Class

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We arrived to class as we were late. Star walked to a corner and curled up as the class greeted us.

Zonni: *waves* Heyyyy justice, good morning!!!

Me: Heyyy nique good morning!

Chres: What about me?

Jacob: What about you?

Chres: I want to be greeted good morning.

Kiloni: Yea, me too.

Craig: Me three

Myles: Me four.

Bre: Me five

Baj: Me six.

Me: ALRIGHT. Good morning everyone. Good morning chres, good morning kiloni, good morning craig, good morning myles, good morning bre, and good morning bahja and good morning Sirius. Is everybody happy now?

Rayan: You know what? *turns to face Jacob and justice* you guys never said good morning to me.

Jacob: *mumbles to ray* that’s because you barged into my house without permission. Had you not remained in class I would have greeted you properly.

Rayan: Oh sorry. Somebody didn’t have breakfast this morning.

Zonni: You didn’t have breakfast this morning Jacob? You know what they say; a grumpy attitude is caused by skipping a breakfast.

Kiloni: yea that’s a no no.

Me: I’ve never heard of that before.

Chres: Well it’s true. Maybe Jacob should go to the underground and get some breakfast.


Sirius: Class, settle down. I already made plans for this morning. But before we begin, please rayan, Jacob and justice join us on the carpet for tea.

Zonni: Yea join us.

Sirius was serving everyone hot tea around the circle along with some goat cheese, strips of turkey, classic rounds, lettuce and multi-grained flat crackers.

Rayan: What is all this? It’s too early for lunch.

Bre: It’s our brunch for today.

Me: But it’s not even the afternoon yet. How do you people keep time down here?

Craig: *lifts watch* A watch

Bahja: or battery operated clocks, duh.

Myles: Mmm mmm. What kind of tea is this Sirius?

Sirius: Green herbal tea.

Jacob: Ah. Just what I need to relax.

We continued drinking, snacking and socializing around the table. Rayan forgot all about his pet cat star as he called her over to him so that she could be fed. Zonni noticed the cat and was all goo goo ga ga over her.

Zonni: Awwww ray ray that is the cutest cat I’ve ever seen. Where did you find her?

Rayan: *smiles* Thanks. I found her in the woods roaming around while I was washing up this morning  by the creek.

Zonni: Awwww, may I pet her?

Rayan: *shrugs* Sure

Zonni: *pets star* Awww you’re such a pwetty black kitty. *baby voice* Yes you are. Yes you are.

Kiloni: May I pet the cat too ray ray?

Rayan: Sure.

Craig: What cat? I don’t see a cat.

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