So many questions

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{Jacob’s POV}- Same day

I was at work in the men’s room cleaning up. I heard a knock on the door and it turned out to be Abby I let her in as she looked worried about something. What’s she got to be worried about?

Abby: Hey Jacob, mind if I help lighten your load?

Me: Hey and no thanks Abby I can handle it.

Abby: NO, I mean can I? I really want to help, please???

Me: *sighs* Fine, but I guess I could use the company.

Abby: Thanks so much. So, what shall I do lead trainee?

Me: Well for starters, you clean the sinks, the mirrors and empty the trash while I’ll sweep the floor, clean the urinals, and the stalls ok?

Abby: *nods head* Ok

We got to doing our tasks. I was in the middle stall cleaning and she wiping down the mirrors. It was early morning and we weren’t opened yet.

Abby: Hey Jacob!

Me: Yea?

Abby: can I ask you something?

I finished scrubbing up and went over to the sink to wash my hands four times, dried them and faced her.

Me: Yes, what is it?

Abby: Um, I know this may sound a little personal and all, but are you talking with anyone right now, like currently?

Me: Um, yea that is kinda personal and yes I’m talking with someone but why are you concerned about who I am speaking with?

Abby: I’m just curious was all.

Me: Ok.

Abby: can you keep a secret?

Me: Yea

Abby: *sighs and takes a deep breath* I have a crush on someone and I think they like me.

Me: Oh word?

Abby: *nods head shyly* Mm-hmm

Me: *crosses arms and smiles* WOW. So you have a secret crush on someone already?

Abby: *blushes* Yea, too soon huh?

Me: I’d say, but hey that’s you.

Abby: Ok, so if I were to have the courage to tell this person that I like them, how should I do it?

Me: Uh, be honest about it. I’m not so sure you have known this person for a good bit.

Abby: But this person is so sexy.

Me: No reason to be hasty in your decisions tho. Get to know the person first.

Abby: Ok. Well thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. *walks up to Jacob and kisses him on the cheek off guard and walks out of the bathroom*

Jacob slowly wipes away the kiss and turns his head facing the mirror and looks at himself.

Am I that secret crush she was just mentioning about? It can’t be. We work together. It’ll never work. Plus I have feelings for someone else. Someone else in whom I have no clue how they truly feel about me.

{Justice’s POV}

I was eating breakfast with my parents in the kitchen and we were discussing about last month and what we did. They wanted to know how well I was doing in school so far.

Mom: So, justice honey bear, how is school coming along?

Me: Great as usual.

Dad: I hope those grades are outstanding.

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