Saturday Morning

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It was a Saturday morning and I had no school. My parents went to work and accepted my approval to hang out with my friends. I left the apartment as I reached the bottom where I would see Jacob waiting on me. He had on a white tank, khaki cargo shorts and some Nikes on. He had his hair in a ponytail. He looked so cute. He was chewing bubble gum as we walked and talked. I was wearing a blue cotton summer dress, with beige flip flops and a blue flower in my hair.

Me: So, what are your plans for today?

Jacob: Today is laundry day and since it’s nice and hot outside. Me and the gang bring our dirty clothes with us in bags and take them down by the creek and wash them.

Me: Why not just go down to the laundry mat?

Jacob: Nah. We don’t want to be around too many people.

Me: But you guys are around a lot of people all the time when you’re in the underground.

Jacob: Cuz that’s our turf.

Me: Well what about Sirius’ place?

J: We only wash our bedspreads, sheets, pillows, table covers, curtains, and stuff like that at his house. NOT our clothes and undergarments.

We stopped on the corner of the sidewalk as Jacob bit his lip and looked at me in lust while grabbing me by surprise.

Jacob: Besides, I love the weather up here and I love the old fashion way of cleaning clothes.

Me: Ok so where are your clothes then?

Jacob: At my house. I just didn’t feel like doing that right now it’s only 10 am.

Me: Still, you should go and get that down before night fall comes.

Jacob: *ignores her comment* Uh-huh *whispers* Gimme a kiss hot mama.

Me: JACOB, NO!!!! Not in public. *looks around nervously* People are watching.

Jacob: *shrugs* So? Let them.

He leaned in to kiss me on the lips when a homeless man appeared from the alley shaking his mug for money. I gestured at Jacob to turn around and face the man. He was annoyed at me for interrupting the mood, but he shelled out three singles and some change and dropped the money into the mug as the man grinned and thanked him. He rushed down the street as we watched him run and laughed. Talk about the homeless helping the homeless because according to upper city society, if you don’t have a house up here, you’re considered as homeless. So Jacob and his friends we’re all homeless technically since they don’t have houses up here, but Sirius has a place. Then again here’s a thought. If Jacob, chres, ray, myles, and nique all had money then why couldn’t they all buy a place up here and live in together or better yet couldn’t they all stay at Sirius’s and help pay the bills and stuff?

We moved forward as Jacob smacked my ass and grabbed a chuck of it.

Me: Jacob, stawp. What are you trying to do? Embarrass me?

J: Nah. Live a little. Loosen up. *chuckles*

Me: What’s your deal anyway?

J: What do u mean?

Me: You know?

J: Do I? Spill it justice, what’s my deal?

Me: I don’t know you tell me?

Jacob walks in front of me and stops me while chewing his gum and staring me into my eyes.

J: So what happened last night?

Me: What do you mean?

J: Don’t act all brand new justice. Where were you? I was worried sick.

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