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{Justice’s POV}

When the coast was clear, Jacob signal my way to quickly leave the bathroom and that I would enter in the ladies room real quick but before I went inside he grabbed my face and kissed me softly and looked into my eyes.

Jacob: Babe, I’ll see you later ok?

Me: Um ok. How?

Jacob: Just text me and we’ll work something out.

Me: *smiles* Ok babe. He pecked me on my lips and rushed off.

I felt butterflies. I was warm with love all over until I forgot that I had to go into the restroom. I didn’t have to use it I just needed to check my face so that my parents won’t spot any indication that Jacob was all over me and kissing me. While I was posing in the mirror looking silly, the women’s restroom opened and someone walked in. I didn’t pay attention as I pulled out my lip gloss and applied a fresh coat across my lips. I popped them a few times and gave the mirror my sweetest kiss and my best smile. The toilet had flushed behind me and the stall door had opened. I wonder what Jacob had in store for me later on. What was that about and how were we going to see each other when I couldn’t hang with friends?

{Abby’s POV}

I finished handling my business as I saw that girl from the table who had the rude dad eye ballin me like a nigga had issues. I must admit even though I was slightly mad at this chic she looked mighty fine from the back. I have a deep dark secret that nobody knows. Ok, maybe my brother but he’s the only one. Anyways I slowly crept up behind the girl with my arms slowly raising up from my waist with every step  just to scare her silly but she must had seen me creepin up behind and turned around in my open arms. I had a smirk on my face and she was confused and brushed away my arms.

???: Um, are you ok?

Me: Yea, why’d you ask?

???: Because your arms we’re out to hug me and I don’t even know you like that.

Me: Ok you got me. I apologize.

She turned around in slow motion. She was like some angel to me. She had a nice red-bone complexion, with exotic eyes, and flawless straight hair and the cutest smile and perfect white teeth I’d ever seen on a girl. Man, I hope powdered sugar (aka babygirl) ain’t got a man.  Cuz if she do I might have to snatch her away from him. Mm-mm-mm-mm. She rockin that skirt too with her sexy ass. Her lips look so soft and kissable. I must have been dreaming until I saw fingers snapping multiple times in front of me.


Me: *shakes head* Oh sorry, my bad. I uh—

I had to think of something real quick. I don’t want to sound to weird. I want her to like me.

Me: *squints eyes* OMG what’s that? *point’s to j’s ear*

???: What’s what?

Me: On your ear. It looks like a little speck.

???: *shouts* OMG IS IT MOVING??? IS IT A BUG?

Me: Uh, yes. Yes it is a bug.


Me: *chuckles* Don’t worry I’ll take care of it you big baby.

???: I’m NOT a crybaby, but just get it off please without hurting me.

Me: You got it. *walks over to her ear* The trick is to stand still and bequiet.

???: *squirms* Mmmmmmm

Me: Relax honey, it won’t hurt. I got this. Give me your hand so that it will give you some relief.

???: Ok, if it’ll help.

She slowly placed her shaking hand into my as I grabbed onto it while I examined her cute little ear. There was no bug on it. So I used my finger to flick a little black speck from her ear and blowed it off to make sure it stayed off. She giggled cutely as I held onto her hand.

???: *giggles* tee hee hee. That tickles.

Me: *smiles* It does?

???: yea. Did you get the bug?

Me: *looks around ear* Yea, I don’t see him anymore. He’s officially gone.

???: *phew* I wonder how he could have gotten there in the first place?

Me: you’re telling me.

We both giggled until it grew awkward and it turned into silence. We were sill holding each others hands as we looked up at each other and quickly broke away our clasped hands. I looked up into her eyes as she slowly looked into mine. I walked up to her where we were extremely close as I swept away her hair away from her face and behind her ears and cupped that beautiful porcelain-made-in-china face and softly planted my lips onto her pink lemonade flavored lips. She didn’t seem to pull away as It only told me that she was either curious to see where I was leading her or she enjoyed it. Or she could be uncomfortable with it and let me have my way with her or whatever the case maybe. We kissed and kissed until she tapped her cute little index finger on my cheek. I released my lips away from hers with confusion. I thought she enjoyed it.

???: I uh, hate to stop the passion but I actually have some place to be and I’m sure you do too.

Me: Oh yea, right. I totally forgot.

???: *washes hand* Yea, well it was nice of you for saving me from that bug on my ear.

Me: Y-yea It was no problem. I was in the right place at the right time. *nervous chuckles*

???: Well I just wanted to thank you.

Me: Your welcome

???: Bye

Me: good-bye

And with that she exited the women’s restroom. I leaned over the sink and turned on the faucet splashing my face of cold water to wake me up. I’ll never get a girl such as beautiful as her and on top of that. My stupid ass forgot to ask her her name. DAMN. *turns faucet off* Oh well. Maybe she’ll show up again tomorrow or maybe I’ll bump into her on the street or see her at school. Come to think of it. I don’t remember seeing a chic like that at North Atlanta High. Hmmm.

{Justice’s POV}- the next day

*sighs* What a night yesterday was. Jacob came to visit me. My parents were sound asleep as I slowly unlocked the door so that Jacob could enter quietly. He wanted to crash at my place instead of the other guys. No we didn’t have sex. He mostly wanted someone to cuddle with and that was me. We were cuddle buddies for the night. There were giggles and kisses. Things got heated but we restrained ourselves. Jacob wanted to eat me out underneath the covers and I let him and let me tell you if felt so good. I felt like I was on cloud nine. Woo this boy put in some work. When he was finished he expected me to go down on him but it was after midnight and I didn’t feel like doing it. It was late I told him. He mumbled an ok and turned over and went to sleep. Part of me feels bad that I didn’t return the favor but I’m kind of scared. I’ve never gave a guy head before and I’m not sure what to expect. HELP!!!

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