Nique's BIG Surprise!!!

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We washed Jacob’s clothes for at least two hours and got everything clean. We placed the wringed out clothing back into their bags. Put out the fire, cleaned the tub, and washboard and placed the laundry detergent back into the bag and pushed the buggy near the tunnel that we came from earlier. I wondered what time it was and where we would dry all his clothes.

Me: Jacob, what time do you have?

Jacob: Not sure. We’ll see when we get back at the house.

Me: What time did nique say that we were supposed to meet everyone at the park for the surprise?

J: I’m not sure either. I don’t think she mentioned a time.

Within 15 minutes we arrived at Jacob’s cavern as he went inside to grab a linen bag of clothes pin and went into an empty cavern where there were five clothing lines strung across the cavern. I pushed the cart into cavern where the lines were unoccupied. He handed me some pins as I pinned the light clothes behind the line he was going to do. As we hung all the clothes up I pushed the buggy into a corner as me and Jacob were now finished. He checked the clock on his wall and it read 12:55 pm.

Me: You think that the guys would be ready to meet up at the park?

Jacob: Um, I’m not sure. Myles did say that he had a 12:30 appointment and I’m not sure how long that would take.

Me: *sighs* See this is why yall need cell phones. No one knows where any of yall are. What if there was an emergency and I needed to get in contact with each of you? What then?

Jacob: You need not to worry my little lamb. *pats justice head*

Me: I would. Starting today. We’re getting you a cellphone.

J: Awww man. Why? That’s just more bills to pay. I don’t want shell out more duckets for phone I won’t need. Who am I gonna call down here?

Me: Me. You could call me, you could call Sirius, your buddies, your family. Have you ever thought about that?

J: No not really. Well, I thought about calling you but why buy a phone when I could just come up and see you instead. I don’t mind the walking. It’s good exercise just to see your pretty face.

Me: *sighs* Oh Jacob. It’s the principle of the matter. You got have a job that gives you good pay and besides I’m not telling you to buy a smartphone or an iPhone or a phone service that comes with monthly payments with a contract lasting for two years. I just want you to have a phone just to keep in touch. Don’t you ever get lonely at night and think about me and want to hear my voice?

J: *rubs chin* Hmmm, now that you mention it. That doesn’t sound that bad. I would love to hear your voice at night. Your sweet, sexy and cute voice. I would stay up during late hours just to hear your voice. I wouldn’t care if I wasted my minutes. Just the thought of getting to hear your voice would have me feeling like you were lying right next to me on my olive green and beige 100% Egyptian cotton duvet.

Me: *giggles* that’s great to hear! Let’s go up to the park to see if the guys are there yet.

J: Ok

We got up to the park and looked around. We saw ray and chres by the park bench where I first met Jacob at. I didn’t see the others unless they were walking around.

Me: Hey guys!

Ray and Chres: Heyyyy

Jacob: Where are the others?

Ray: Well, they ain’t got back yet. Knowing those girls they probably still at Kim’s lolly gaggin around. Like come on I wanna know what the surprise is.

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