Chapter 9

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Since it was still fairly early, the corridors were deserted when Hermione made her way back to the Gryffindor Common Room. She was surprised, therefore, to find a rumpled figure on the couch when she entered the room. The closing of the portrait must've woken them up because the figure stirred as she came in.

"Hermione?" Harry mumbled sleepily.

"Yeah, Harry it's me," Hermione said softly.

Her reply woke him up and he swiftly walked over and enveloped her in hug.

"Where have you been?" Harry asked, still holding her tightly. "We were so worried about you. I looked everywhere for you after we heard the news."

"I just needed some time to think."

"Ginny said you probably needed some time alone," Harry said letting go of Hermione. They both sat down on the couch. Harry noticed his friend's disheveled appearance. "Are you alright? Were you out in the storm?" He asked. Harry turned to grab his blanket and wrapped Hermione in it. He conjured some hot chocolate and handed a cup to Hermione. Hermione gratefully accepted the drink but remained quiet as she sipped it.

"Tough break, huh" Harry continued wanting to hear her voice to make sure she was okay. He was frantic with worry when he didn't see her after dinner after the results were posted. Only Ginny kept him sane and convinced him that their friend likely needed a moment to herself. He loved Hermione like a sister and he couldn't bear it if something happened to her. So, when everyone fell asleep, he crept back downstairs to wait for her to come in. "Listen – "

"I'm alright Harry, really," Hermione interrupted him with a soft smile. It didn't quite reach her eyes though.

"I'm really sorry Hermione. I know how much you wanted it. Everyone knows you should've gotten Head Girl," Harry assured her. "Genevieve was really sorry about it."

Hermione stiffened at the name. Harry didn't notice.

"The whole common room became quiet when she walked in after dinner," Harry continued. "She knew how everyone felt and was nice about it all. She said she knew you deserved it too but that it was out of her hands. Well, no one could fault her for that. Eventually, people offered their congratulations. Ron though -"

Again Hermione stiffened.

"Ron was a different story," Harry continued. "He was so worried, he ran off to look for you without even waiting for me. I didn't see him come in until just after everyone started going to their rooms after Genevieve's speech. I should go wake him. He would want –"

"No Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "I mean," she continued more softly. "We all had a tough night last night and I'm sure he needs some rest. I need to go to my room too and get some sleep before class starts." She stood up and put her mug on the table.

Harry stood up too and gave her a hug.

"Thanks for waiting up for me Harry. And don't worry. I'm fine, I promise."

"Don't scare me like that again okay?" Harry asked with a small smile. He let go of Hermione and she made her way up to her room.

"Hermione," Harry called making Hermione turn around to face him. "You know I'm here if you need me right?"

"Yeah," Hermione said, trying to smile. "Thanks, Harry."


On the other side of the school, Draco Malfoy tossed and turned all night. After leaving the astronomy tower, he flew directly to a certain window to peek in and make sure she was alright. After seeing her sleeping form, he calmed down considerably. For a few agonizing moments he thought he had lost her. Turns out it was just Granger. He still couldn't believe it. He had just saved Hermione-freaking – Granger. He didn't know what was more shocking – the fact that the brainiac jumped off the tower or that he had risked his life to save her. Granted, he didn't know it was her at the time but he had done it nonetheless. He would've never pegged her as suicidal – she was always so annoyingly perky, except of course, when she talked to him. But, I guess you never know with weird muggles.

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