Chapter 18

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Hermione woke up feeling oddly warm and comfortable. She had gotten used to waking up on the cold floor of the Astronomy Tower where she'd been going the past couple of weeks every time she had a nightmare.

Funny, I don't remember going back to the dorms last night.

When she reached to pull the covers off, she was surprised to feel something that was most definitely not her comforter. Hermione looked down and the sight of Draco's cloak in her hands brought back everything that happened the night before. She looked at her watch. Luckily, it was still fairly early and since it was a Saturday, most Gryffindors would be sleeping in, allowing her to sneak back into Gryffindor tower unnoticed. Reluctantly, Hermione got up even though all she wanted to do was stay under Draco's cloak forever. For some unknown reason she felt safe there.

After folding up the cloak and putting a quick thank you note on it, Hermione was about to slip out the door when Sophie stumbled out of her room sleepily.

"Hermione?" Sophie asked with a yawn, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

So close! "Hi, Sophie," Hermione greeted with a smile. "Good morning."

By this point, Sophie had fully woken up, excited that her friend came to visit. "Did you come for breakfast?" she asked excitedly.

"Um, no, actually, I – "

"Nonsense!" Draco's voice interrupted Hermione as he walked in through the door. "That's exactly why she's here. It's a surprise for you Sophie." He turned to Hermione. "Isn't it?"

Sophie looked at her with such hopeful eyes, Hermione couldn't resist. "Yeah," she confirmed. "Surprise?"

"Yay!" Sophie squealed and proceeded to hug Hermione. "You should do this all the time!"

"All the time?" Hermione asked looking at Draco.

"On weekend mornings I have breakfast with Sophie. It's the only time I can do it because I don't have to rush to class after." When Sophie ran off to wash up, Draco added, "That and it'd be hard to sneak back to the dungeons when everyone's already up. I have to keep up appearances and wake up and get ready with everybody else. On the weekends people sleep in and no one's supposed to be in any specific place so even if I walk in, people will just assume I went for a walk or something."

Hermione nodded. Then she noticed that Draco was dressed for the day and that she still hadn't even brushed her teeth. "Um, I should go change or something," Hermione said, covering her mouth and looking down at her pyjamas and robe from last night.

"Don't worry about it," Draco replied with a smile. "It's just us. If you need it, you can use Sophie's bathroom. There's mouthwash in there too," he added with a laugh, earning a swat from Hermione.

Hermione entered the bathroom after Sophie was done. After washing her face and mouth, she looked at herself in the mirror and panicked. She had bags under her eyes, her clothes were rumpled, and her hair was a frizzy mess as it usually was after having been slept in. Unfortunately she didn't have a brush or a change of clothes to fix anything. Why do I even care? It's just Malfoy right? With a sigh, Hermione readjusted and tightened her robe around her and walked out of the bathroom.

"Good morning Ms. Granger," Snape's presence stunned Hermione for a few moments. Luckily, she didn't scream in surprise.

"Er, good morning Professor," she replied uneasily, blushing at being seen by a teacher in her state. She looked at Draco who was clearly trying hard not to laugh. Just us? She mouthed to Draco when Snape had his back turned.

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that our godfather usually joins us for breakfast as well."

Hermione shot Draco a look that was clearly meant to kill.

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