Chapter 29

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"Are you ready for bed Izzy?" Draco called as he entered Sophie's suite. "Izzy?" he repeated after receiving no response. He looked around at the empty living room. "Sophie?" he called out, louder this time. Still no response. He checked the bathroom. "Sophie, are you in here?" The bathroom was empty. So was the kitchen and the play area. Draco went into his sister's bedroom, hoping to find her asleep to explain the lack of response. "Sophie?"

Nothing. Starting to panic, Draco checked everywhere once more - in the closet, under the bed, behind doors, the couch, anywhere Sophie might be hiding.

"Sophia Isabella this is not funny. You come out here right this instant!" Draco demanded trying to keep his voice from shaking. He knew something was wrong. "Dobby!"

Dobby appeared with a crack. "Master Draco!" The elf squeaked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? Trying to look for Sophie!" Draco tried to keep the agitation out of his voice. "Where is she?"

"I thought she was with you."

"What do you mean?"

"Some house-elves saw a young lady leading Miss Sophie outside the castle. I thought you knew about the situation and would be meeting them."

Something about the way Dobby assumed nothing was wrong alarmed Draco. Clearly, he knew who the person was, otherwise, he would've been alarmed at Sophie's absence. "Who was it Dobby?" Draco asked coldly. Whoever that person was, if they hurt so much as a hair on Sophie's head, they'd be begging for death.

Dobby looked terrified now. "I...I b-b-beg your pardon s-s-sir," Dobby's voice was shaking. If looks could kill, Dobby's head would be up on a wall by now. "I thought you knew. I...I th-th-thought you told her about Miss Sophie."

"Who. Was. It. Dobby?" Draco asked though he knew the answer.

"Th-th-the Harrington girl. The one Master Draco is with."

With an angry swish of his robes, Draco walked out the door without so much as a backward glance.

Draco quickly walked toward the Gryffindor tower hell bent on finding Genevieve Harrington. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long.

"Draco, darling!" Genevieve greeted with a smile as she walked out of the library and saw him in the hallway.

Genevieve suddenly found herself slammed against the wall of an empty classroom, Draco clutching her robes.

"Where is she?" Draco asked, his voice dangerously low.

"Who are you – "

"The girl! The little girl you pulled out of Hogwarts earlier!"

Genevieve was scared. The look in his eyes made her believe that he really was capable of killing. "Draco, you're hurting me," she whimpered. Thankfully, he let go. She started to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly a wand was trained on her chest. She looked up and met Draco's eyes. She had never seen so much hate in anyone's eyes before.

"Tell me where she is or I swear – "

"I don't know!" Genevieve blurted out.

"How can you not know?! The house-elves saw you with her!" Draco was yelling now but his wand remained steady at her chest.

Genevieve was scared but she was also confused. What the hell did he want with the little girl? She proceeded to tell him so. "She was looking for Granger. She's just another mudblood scum! One of Granger's many protégés. Don't you get it? Granger's trying to overrun our world with her kind! Can you imagine Granger's nerve – she even dressed up this kid in a Hogwarts uniform! So I put the girl back where she belonged – outside of Hogwarts! I did this school a favour. I left her outside the gate. Who knows where she is now? Frankly, who cares?"

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