Chapter 32

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At first there was nothing but darkness. A cold mist enveloped her, chilling her to the bone. After a few moments her eyes adjusted and she found herself in a familiar place. Tombstones – rows upon rows of tombtones surrounded her as a thick fog rolled in. She was standing in a graveyard.

She looked down at the headstone beside her. Was this it then? She supposed it was only fitting that the afterlife looked like a graveyard. Why it looked exactly like the place where he died she couldn't even begin to guess. The thought made her look up. Sure enough, in the distance she spied a figure standing with their back to her. She hurriedly moved closer. Brown hair, broad shoulders – she could recognize that silhouette anywhere.

"Cedric?" Hermione called out as she approached the figure.

Cedric turned around, her favourite crooked smile gracing his face.

"Cedric!" Hermione exclaimed with a smile. She reached out to touch his face only to find nothing but air. In an instant the scene around her fell away leaving Hermione momentarily stunned.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a different place. She was standing in a field of wildflowers on top of a hill. The sun was shining and the view was breathtaking as she took in the mountains around her and the valley below. Hermione took a deep breath and turned around hoping her assumption was correct. She wasn't disappointed.

Hermione ran to the villa and pushed open the door. She walked in and found everything exactly the same as she remembered. She looked around with a sad smile and thought about her fate. Suddenly, she heard a noise. As she walked towards the kitchen, she found someone else standing by the stove.

Oh Merlin, no. Hermione's heart broke as she watched Draco fiddle with the stove, his hair dishevelled, looking like he always did in the morning when they stayed in the villa. He wasn't supposed to be here! He's supposed to be with his mother, with Sophie – he's supposed to be alive.

With a deep breath, Hermione approached him. He turned around when she got closer. When their eyes met, nothing else mattered. Hermione threw her arms around him only to once again touch nothing but air.

Draco! Hermione screamed as everything disappeared once more.



Strong arms gripped her as she tried to fight her way back to him.

"Hermione! It's okay! Sshh, you're safe...I'm're okay..." A familiar voice murmured as the person held her, rubbing her back to soothe her.

She looked up into bright green eyes glistening with tears.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. "Oh, Merlin, Harry, I thought I was...I was..."

"No," Harry's voice shook as he held her. "No, you're alive, you're safe, you're here." They were both shaking in each other's arms.

They held on to each other for what seemed like forever. Harry still couldn't believe it. He held her hand, searched her face, touched her hair, wiped the tears from her eyes – all to convince himself that she was real. He knew that he would think of this moment when he needed his patronus.

Eventually they both calmed down.

"So it's all over then?" Hermione asked, looking up at Harry. "Voldemort's gone?"

"It's over," Harry answered. "The bastard will never hurt anyone again," he added, holding Hermione tighter.

Hermione put her hand to his chest, reassuring herself with his heartbeat as a million emotions flooded through her.

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