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Part: 8
Elle's Pov:
I acted like I was sick and went home early. I could heard Jack running after me but I beat him to the car. He was hitting on the window and trying to open the door but I locked them. I get home and see Nash on my door step, crying? He notices me and wipes his tears, "WTF Are you doing here!" I ask vigorously.

"Ha! Your the one mad! When I got stood up on Sunday! I waited for you at my house for hours until I just gave up and went to the movies with Jack! Than I saw you there with Kian I was pissed! You were the one who wanted a good grade but at this rate we are failing." I stand there speechless. I totally forgot that we were suppose to work on our project!

"Ok honestly I forgot and I'm sorry! But why do you even care?!? I looked up to you the past few years soon to realize that you are just the schools fuckboy! I was being beat up in the hallway! Not just by a random dude that I did nothing to, but also my own twin brother! You stood there like nothing was happening! You didn't do anything! Goodbye Nash!" I walk past him and he follows me, I slap the door in his face and I see hurt in his eyes. I run up to my room and cry. After there were no more tears, I go down stairs and grab some popcorn and camera crap. I set it up in my room and get ready to film. "Hey guys! It's ELLE! I'm normally upbeat and happy but today I want to talk about something not so upbeat." I explain my day and try to gives some words of wisdom. "For anybody who is being bullied, or self harming themselves please stop! It's not worth it" I conclude before turning off camera. I walk downstairs and scream Nash is sitting on the couch. "How'd you get in?" I manage to stutter out.

"The window! Btw I heard what you where saying in your video. Do you make youtube videos?"

"Umm kinda. But I don't have many subscribers." I actually didn't want Nash to find out sense you know, he kinda has more than 4.6 million subscribers.

"Come here." He says. I look at him and his eyes are puffy and red. I step back. "What? I'm not going to hurt you!" He says reassuring me.

"I'm sorry I just can't trust you." He stands up and starts to chase after me (playfully). I run into the kitchen and slip on daisys water. He kneels down and looks concerned, "Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine. This would have never happened if you just stayed out of my life!" I huff.

"I'm sorry to say but I can't do that." He picks me up bridal style and walks me into the bathroom. He cleans me up and I look out the door. "Elle?" I hear. It's jack😑

"Let's work on our project at my house today. Get your mind off things!" Nash says.

"Idk if I really want to." I say reassuring him that I still am not fond of him.

"PLEASE!" Nash whines.

"I guess."

"YAS!" I walk out he door and Jack spots me. "Elle! Wait Nash?" He runs over to Nash and tries to punch him but I get in front of him and I get punched. "ELLE IM SO SORRY!" Jack yells.

"Jack stop! It's not like you haven't done this before!" I say grabbing Nashes hand and pulling him into my room slamming the door. "Let me get changed and grab my stuff." I walk into my closet and start to get undressed. I look back and Nash is staring at me. "WTF NASH! GET OUT!"

"You'll be saying that soon😏" He replys.

"That's it. I'm not going."

"Come on I'm kidding!"
💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞Nashes House💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞♠️💞
I walk in and Skylynn runs up to Nash "NASH YOUR HOME!" She screams running into his arms. "Is this your girrrllffrriieennnd?" She says stretching it out. "No, just a friend" I laugh. I've seen vines with Nash and Skylynn and she is adorable! All of a sudden I see Hayes walk around the corner and I'm about to jump with joy but I don't. "Hey I'm Hayes!"

"Elle. Nice to meet you!"

"My pleasure." He says kissing my hand.

"Ok let's break this up! We have to work on our project now." Nash says with his fist in balls. When we get to his room I look at all of his family photos. They are like a dream family. My dad left when we were younger and my mom could barely afford to have a family so, she's always at work. "What? Do you not hang out with your family?" Nash ask interrupting my thoughts.

"Not really. My dad left when we were younger so.." I respond quietly.

"Oh I'm sorry I wouldn't of have asked."

"It's fine. Let's just get on with the project!" I say getting off the subject. We finished it and I was surprised that Nash actually helped a lot of it. It was nice. "Ok so I'm not letting you go home yet. So want some food?" Nash says.

"YAS!" I scream. He came back with chips and we scarf them down. "We are making a youtube video!" He says and my mouth hangs open.

I studder, "I get to make one with THE Nash Grier?"

"YERP!" He starts to set up all of his fancy camera stuff and turns the camera on. We decide to do the 7 second challenge.
♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️After Video♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️♠️♦️
It was a lot of fun filming and I learned a lot of new tips. When I get home I look at my phone and it was blowing up. There was a clip of Nashes and I's video on Instagram and I gained 100K followers over a few hours! I start to read some of the comments and a few of them were really nice but 70% of them were hate...

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