Part: 27

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Elle's Pov:
We all drove home and Jack got G to spend the night. G has been acting different ever sense the airport. I drop my bags on the bed and Daisy runs up to me. She jumped on the bed and I do the same. I lay there thinking about G and I breaking up. I teared up just thinking about it. I love G! I have had my fair share of boyfriends and they were all just crushes. G is different. I hope to spend the rest of my life with G. Go ahead, call it cliche. I don't care! But if he's mad and unhappy with me, I guess that would be the end of Gelle. "What's wrong Babygirl?" I hear G's soft voice through the door. He walks over to me and I sit up. He puts his muscular arms around and. I lean into his toned body.

"Your mad at me." I say glum.

"No I'm not! Why in the world would you think that?" He asks.

"Ever sense Sophia showed up at the airport you have been acting strange and weird around me." I stutter out and he sighs.

"I heard that Sophia was moving in with us and got a little upset. But now I realize that she's your best friend and I overreacted. We aren't married so I can't and won't tell you who can and who can't live with us. I'm sorry that I made you cry! I never intended for this to happen. I just want you to know that I love you and I honestly don't mind if Sophia stays with us." I lean in and kiss G. Then Jack barged in and has his hands over his eyes.

"Make sure you use protection!" He says and my face turns bright red along with G's. G and I talk about the move until 2 in the morning. We are going to pack all of our stuff the next couple days and then we head to Michigan on Wednesday. So we bought plane tickets and a moving truck. Not long after we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. G came in and had a ate full of waffles and a stack of bacon. I lick my lips. "Someone Hungry?" G asks and I nod eagerly. When we finish G helps me pack. Once we had all of my nick backs that I wanted to bring, I started going through all of my clothes. I look over at G and he is holding up one of my thongs. My face turns bright red and he laughs. "Naughty Girl!" I go back to packing and finish quite early. Sense it's Monday, G and I decided to go out with all of our friends from school and magcon. So he invited all of the magcon guys to the beach for a BBQ and I invited my my friends from school. We picked Sophia up and headed toward the beach. We were the first ones there so we started to set up. When we finished G and Jack started to cook the hamburgers and Sophia and I took a walk on the pier. We talked about the university and our new house. After 20 minutes we decided to walk back. And noticed everyone was there. G invited his 2 sisters, Carter, Matt, Mahogany, Taylor and Shawn. Jack invited Nash, Cameron, Kian, Jc and about 7 other guys from school. Then Sophia and I invited about 11 girls from school. We ended up swimming at 8 and most people went home around 10ish. G and I stayed in the water for at least another hour. "I'm going back up to the shore before I become a prune." I claim.

"Not quite yet, missy!" G says pulling me back towards him. We kiss pationatly, "I love you" "I love you too" we say and he starts to pick me up. "G, What ar---" but I'm cut off because he threw me in the water. I swim up and see G laughing. We dry off and everyone else left the beach. So we clean up and end up falling asleep on the beach.
I wake up to the sound of waves. I look over and G is fast asleep. I could get used to waking up to this every morning. "So could I!" G says.

"Shit. Did I just say that out loud?" I ask and G nods while laughing. I lay my head back on his chest and think about how good life is.

A/N: can you imagine waking up ON THE BEACH snuggling Jack Gilinsky?!? I would literally die right there and then!! Hope you enjoy!!!

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