Part: 28

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Elle's Pov:
G and I drive over to his house to pack the rest of his stuff until the moving truck comes. We were going through his clothes and I got to the bottom of his t-shirt drawer. I noticed out of the corner of my eye a red laced bra. It pick it up and start laughing. G looks over and his face turns bright red. "Really G!?" I ask. He comes over and he smirks. "Naughty G!"

"Yes I was. But I'm with you now and nothing else matters! I have a idea!" So we quickly finish his packing and load the moving truck. Sophia and I's stuff are all ready in there so G and I call the driver. He shows up and we slowly watch the truck drive away. I hop into the car and we arrive at Nash's house in 15 minutes. G hides the bra in his shirt and we sneak into Nash's room. He places the bra on Nashes bed and we hear Elizabeth coming up the stairs. So we hide in Nashes closet. And she walks in, "Nash?" She asks and then we hear her gasp. "WHAT THE HELL HAS HE BEEN UP TO!!" We hear. "NASH FUCKING GRIER! GET UP HERE THIS INSTANT!!" I hear shuffling and Nash,


"What the hell is this!??" Elizabeth asks.

"I don't know!? That wasn't there when I was in here earlier!" He pleaded but Elizabeth gave him no crap.

"Nash! Your 18 and living in MY house! I will not accept this behavior! Stay in your room for the rest of the night!" Nash groans and I hear his bed dip. G and I look at each other and nod. " 1.....2.....3..." We jump out and Nash screams. Not a manly scream a girly scream. G and I fall down laughing. He does not look happy. Once G and I calmed down he came over to us and pushed me and punched G. "What the hell dude!? G says while crawling over to see if I'm fine.

"Do you know how disappointed my mom is of me right now! When she tells my dad he's going to flip!"

"I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE NEVER TALKING EVER AGAIN!!!" I say. "YOU LITERALLY JUST PUNCHED G AND PUSHED ME! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU! EVEN AFTER EVERYTHING YOU DID TO ME IN SCHOOL! I SHOULD OF KNOW THAT YOU WOULD NEVER CHANGE! G LETS GO." I grab his hand and jump out the window before Nash can say anything else. We drive back to my house silently and at stops. I look out my window and realize that we are at my house. "I'm sorry about everything! Are you okay?" G asks and I smile.

"I'm fine and it was still fun! But are you okay? He full on punched you!" I say and G sighs.

"I'm good as long as I have you!" I blush. "I'll pick you and Sophia up tomorrow at 10. Be ready! We don't want to miss the flight!"

"Got it! Love ya!" I say getting out of the car.

"I love you to baby!" He says and drives away. Man do I love that kid!!

I walk into the house and notice that Jack is in there with all of the Magcon boys except Nash. Ugh. That means he's on his way. "Hey! Collage girl!" Cameron says.

"Hey Cammy!" I say. Nash walks in the door and completely ignores me. (I realize that Nash is grounded but go with the flow!;))

"When do you leave for Michigan?" He asks.

"Tommorrow! I'm soooo excited!!" I reply.

Nash interrupts our conversation, "Wait, You really made it into the collage?? I thought you were too stupid, and I figured that you would never make it into U of M! Wow!" My heart drops. I can't believe he would say something like that to me! I start to cry and run out the door. I here Jack and Cam yelling at Nash but I don't care. I run faster than I ever have, and end up in the woods. With no money, no food, and nobody knowing where I'm at. I find a cliff that ends at the ocean. I sit in the sand and cry. 'What did I ever do to him!' 'Why is he acting this way!' 'Why am I stupid? If I tried harder in school, I would of been a lot smarter now!'

"You know anything that Nash says is not true right?" I looks behind and Taylor is walking towards me.

"How did you find me?" I ask curiously.

"I watched you run out this way and when I lived here, this was my getaway place. This is where I went to get my mind off things. So I figured you would come here too." He pauses. "Come here." He says holding out his arms and I run into them. "You are the smartest girl I know! I don't know why he called you stupid! I hope he realizes that when you guys did the project, YOU were the brains and he was just there to help!" I smile.

"Thanks Taylor! You are my favorite out of Jacks friends!" He raises his eyebrows and I laugh. "Ok maybe second favorite, sense I'm dating one of Jacks friends." We both start laughing.

"Let's go back before they start worrying!" He says.

"Okay!" I agree and we walk back talking about the magcon tour and collage. By the time we get back, I notice Nash on the ground his face was all bloody. "WHAT THE HELL!!??" I yell. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" I ask and everybody has a confused look on there face.

"I thought this is what you wanted?" Jack asked.

"Even tho I hate Nash, doesn't mean that I wanted you to beat him half to death!" I say and Jack looks at his shoes. "I'm spending the night at G's tonight! I'm done with all this BS." I run upstairs and grab my backpack that I'm bringing on the plane. I change into black leggings, tan ugg boots and a pink sweatshirt. I grab my phone and call G.
G: 💕 Elle: 🤖
🤖- Hey babe! Can you pick me up from my house?
💕- umm... Why?
🤖- Nash is being a dick and I will die of I'm with him any longer! Could I spend the night at your house?
💕- sure! I'll be there in 20 minutes!💜
🤖- Thanks G! Sorry...
💕- Baby! It's no problem! I'd do anything for you!!
🤖- I love you! Drive safe!
💕- I love you!
I walk down to my moms room and knock on the door. She opens the door and I pull her into a huge hug. "I love you mom! Thanks for raising me the way you did! I'm spending the night at G's tonight because Nash is being a dick! I'll visit later in the summer!!" I say and she gives me a huge hug.

"I love you too sweaty!"

I walk downstairs with my stuff and place it by the door. I walk over to Jack first and hug him then Cam and the rest of the boys. Taylor walks over to me and gives me a second hug. "Thanks Taylor! You helped me feel a lot better!!💜"

"Hey it's fine! As long as you text me while your in Michigan!"

"Sounds like a plan!" I say and we split apart. I see Nash come in and he raps me in s huge hug. "I may act like I don't care, but I do! Stay safe and don't do any drugs!" He says seriously. I scoff. Like Nash has any say on what I do and don't do. I hear a honk outside and jump into G's car.

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