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I'm going o start calling gilinsky 'G' and Johnson Jack. Okay? Okay.

👍🏿👎🏻👍🏿👎🏻MONTH LATER👎🏻👍🏿👎🏻
Elle's Pov:
G and I have hung out a lot! Whether it was at the beach, movies or having lazy days. I'm starting to grow some feelings for him. Kian and JC got invited to join a social media group called O2L. Right now they are on tour so I don't go see them for another month. Jack and I are playing playing Skip Bo when I got a text from G.
G:💕 Elle:💋
💕-Get ready. I'm taking you out.
💋-Can we just have a lazy day?
💕-No. I'll be there at 7.
💋-UUGGHH The things I do for you!
💕-Hehe. Love you! See you soon!
I skip to my room and slip on my peach high waisted shorts, white shirt with a flower cardigan. I put on my make up and take a selfie because I'd be looking fine👌. Before I go downstairs I put on a cute necklace and I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door and noticed Nash standing there "Hey" I say.

"Hi!" He replies. My phone goes off and it's a text from G.
I walk around Nash and open up the car door. "Where are we going?" I ask him curiously.

"You will see!" He says and I groan. He knows I hate surprises. He parks the car and I noticed that we are at the beach. "But I didn't bring my bathing suit!" I whine.

"You'll be fine." He says and I rolled my eyes. We get out of the car and I hop onto his back as we go on a little hike. Then in front of me I see a picnic on the beach.

"G! Look" I yell pointing at the picnic. "That's so romantic!" I say and he laughs, "What?" I ask.

"That's for you!"

"OMG G!!" I say jumping up and rapping my legs around his torso.

"Hungry?" He asks.

"YYAASS!" I reply excitedly. We ate and it was delicious! He made ham sandwiches and smoothies made out of fresh fruit. I look over at him and smile, "Thank you so much! This is literally the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!" I say breaking the silence. "The reason I did this is because I wanted to ask you something." He paused. "Will you Elle Marie Johnson do the honor of being my girlfriend?" I was shocked.

"YES!" I scream tearing up. I jumped into his arms and we kissed. Sparks flew everywhere. "Want some ice cream?" He asks and I nod my head. We walk to 'Friendlys' and order our ice cream. We take a picture and I post it, 'late nights with G✌️' He drives me home and walked me up to the door. "I had a great time tonight. Thanks!" I say leaning in and kissing him. "My pleasure." He says curtsying. "Night. Love you!" I say and walk inside. I slide down the door smiling. Definitely one of my good days.

❤️AUTHORS NOTE: Honestly I don't know where I'm going with the story but I have a good idea.😂 by the way I don't live in Cali so if they go to restaurants and stuff I only use ones that are near me😜 Thanks for reading!❤️

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