VI The Game

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HEY GUYS! SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG BUT I WAS JUST SO LAZY AND WAS PUTTING THIS OFF! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! To recap if you don't remember- Lexa Fox moves to a new town with her older twin brothers, younger brother and mum. She then meets a bad boy named Archie Parker who lives next door with his foster mum, Jane Parker and little adopted sister, Lucie (btw if you were wondering, yes, Archie took his foster mum's name). Lexa runs into him naked in an incident and breaks down so he lets her in his house and they talk. Lexa discovers that he lies a lot and often looks shady so she makes a promise to herself to find out all his secrets- perhaps to also distract her for looking for other things. Lexa goes to school and finds some new friends- Cat, a gothic girl, Donnie her boyfriend and Theo, the gay, hot sporty guy. She then went one weekend to drive with Archie in his new car but got arrested for speeding before being broken out of the station by Archie. 

Picture up top is Pierson Fode- I recast him as Archie. How hot is he though!!!!


Its been two weeks since my speeding incident and breaking out of the police station with Archie and I haven't really seen him since. I mean in English class I try to talk to him but he got moved to the back after pulling his friend's chair out before he sat down last week and he seems to rush out before I get the chance to catch up to him. Other than that, life's been pretty ordinary. Today I'm going to my older twin brother's, Logan and Seth's soccer match. They played Australian Rules Football back in Sydney but there aren't any teams here so they settled with soccer. They literally do everything together. I get up off my bed after Skyping Carly and quickly slip on a grey t-shirt and black jeans with plain converses before skipping down the stairs to eat breakfast. My mother has made all of us berry pancakes, my favourite!

"Hey Mum!" I say excitedly. 

"Hey sweetie," she smiles in a very tired sort of way. "You excited to see the boys play?" I smile and nod and she goes back to making coffee. Suddenly, I feel a great weight bang into my leg. 

"LEXXAAA!!" exclaims a  little voice. Its my brother Joey, still in his pyjamas and clinging to my leg. 

"Joeeeyy!" I say. "You need to be dressed, we're going soon!" He groans and stomps away back to his room. "Mum, who's driving?" I ask hoping that she lets me drive today. 

"Oh um I don't think I'll go so you can drive if you like..." she says weakly. She's not going? I suppose she's just having a bad day.

"Oh okay." I reply before sitting down to munch on my delicious looking pancakes. After enjoying the creamy, sweet goodness of my berry pancakes, Seth and Logan come out of their rooms, their soccer gear on and Nike bags slung over their shoulders. 

"No time for breakfast mum!" they say eyeing the pancakes. "We'll eat them when we get back. Lexa let's go- we are already late. Where's Joey?" they say already going out the door. Joey, hearing his name comes out of his room as well and we all make our way outside after I grab the keys. 

"Isn't mummy coming?" asks Joey innocently with big eyes. I don't want his day to be ruined so I smile at him and say in my best happy voice,

"Mummy's not feeling well but I'll tell you what we'll have loads of fun eating popcorn while watching the game. What do you think?"

Joey's face lights up when he hears the word "popcorn" and immediately a big grin covers his face. 

"Okay!" he grins as he hops into the car. The drive there is pretty uneventful. Although I started driving on the wrong side of the road at one point- too used to Sydney I guess. We get to the game and I sit in the stands with Joey, a huge box of popcorn almost covering his face. There's barely anyone in our stand. I grab some and munch on it as I watch the players begin to take their positions on the field. I've always liked soccer. The way that each player can use the ball to his advantage and the skill it takes to only use your feet to get the ball into the net. I wave to Seth and Logan- Seth playing goal keeper and Logan in a midfield position and they wave back. But then I see a third hand waving to me from striker position. I squint struggling to see who could be waving. I barely know anyone in this town! And then I see the long, lean muscles and an unforgettable smirk. Archie. I had no idea he played soccer! The whistle blows and the players start. For the first half an hour, nothing much happens and the ball goes back and forth between both sides, the ball never being shot close to the goal. I cheer as Logan finally gets the ball, dribbling it past some defenders and up into their end before passing it off to a boy just outside the box who passes it in, through the defenders legs and right into Archie's kicking span. I hold my breath as I watch him boot the ball as hard as he can to the top left of the goals. It hits the goal keeper's glove but is too powerful and whacks right into the top of the net. I stand up and cheer, nearly knocking over Joey's popcorn. Archie celebrates, pulling his top over his head and beckoning to an invisible crowd. His eyes meet mine and he winks, the biggest smirk on his face. I sit down, blushing at my outburst of celebration. 

The rest of the game goes pretty smoothly until about the 75th minute. As Archie approaches the goals, a huge boy does an illegal tackle, taking his legs out from under him and making Archie's head hit the grass. I gasp and stand up, straining to see if he will get up. He does, his nose heavily bleeding and he gets taken off the field. 

"I think you have a crush on Archie," says Joey from behind his box of popcorn. I blush. 

"I-I-I most definitely do not. He is just an attractive guy and his charms can-can-can have the evil power to compel women to like him..." I cross my arms.

"You think he's attrapcitive," Joey tries to say. I roll my eyes and put my head in my hands. Little kids. 

"You think who's attractive?" says a familiar voice and I can see his signature smirk without even looking at him. 

"Not you that's for sure!" I lie. He cocks his head, holding a big ice pack over his gushing nose. 

"What are you even doing up here- shouldn't you be playing?" I change the subject.

"Blood rule. And coach was going to take me off in 10 minutes anyway!" he says gesturing to the blood gushing out of his nose. 

"Lexa thinks Archie is attrapcitive," Joey says again. I look at him in horror. 

"Ohhhh so it was about me. Is that right Alexis?" Archie says to me with the largest smirk I've ever seen. 

"No." I lie again. "Joey's just making things up." 

"I am not!" he says defiantly. "Lexa said she thinks your attra-ca-pitive Mr Archie," he says to Archie. 

"It's 'ah-trac-tive' Joey and please be quiet," I half whisper to him. He just goes back to watching the game. 

"Is that so..." says Archie smiling into my face. I just glare at him and move to the other side of Joey, sticking my tongue out immaturely. He just gets up and sits next to me again. 

"I didn't know you played soccer," I change the subject. "I would've thought you played football like all the other American boys. 

"Yeah I did..." he begins. "But I well- I injured my shoulder," he says a little quietly and also suspiciously. Why does he always hide stuff?

"Okay," I say really wishing he would elaborate on why he is so shady about personal questions. 

"Hey so I was wondering..." he begins, "Would you want to go to a party with uh me I guess..." he says a little embarrased. I smirk at him. 

"A party?" I say. "But why would you want to go with me?" I question half honestly and half jokingly. 

"I well- I." I enjoy seeing him stutter. "Can you just come. It'll be really fun I promise." he says. I think about it. A party? I didn't really want to get caught up with that kind of crowd. But if I could get Archie drunk...maybe he will let out some of his secrets. I notice Archie looking at me hopefully. He can be really moody and weird sometimes. 

"Uhm okay. When is it and who's party is it anyway?" I ask. 

"I dunno who's party it is um just a friend's," he mumbles. He is so weird-always lying. "I'll pick you up at 7 on Friday?" he says. 

"Fine." I reply. "What should I wear?" I panic. 

"Something hot," he smirks. Anndd he's back to him old self. What the actual hell. 

"Rigghht," I say just as the whistle blows.

"Well I gotta go!" he laughs. "See you Friday Alexis!" I roll my eyes as he jumps over the chairs to get back down to his team.

"Don't call me Alexis, Archibald!" I yell down to him. 

"Sorry Foxy!" he calls down referring to my last name. 

"Later Parker!" I reply. I take Joeys hand and walk back to the car. This Friday is going to be verryyy interesting...

I know it's boring and not that long SORRYYY! I promise promise promise next chapter will be way better and more eventful. I just had to set up the scene. Love you guys xxoo.   

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