XXI Chats

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Video above is a model named Corentin Huard. WARNING: it is too hot to handle. I found this video on Facebook and it is so hot I just had to include it. If you like, you can imagine Archie as him. Anyway, enjoy the chapter and thank Corentin for being so goddamn sexy. Btw check him out on instagram and you won't be disappointed.  


I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm running after the girl that's made my time here absolute shit. But no one deserves to be publicly shamed like she just was. She's insecure like any other person. She's human. She loved Archie at one point or at least liked him enough to be with him. And that's enough for me to keep following her. I call out.

"Serena, wait!" I yell down the corridor but she doesn't turn. She just runs faster. I can hear Archie hot on my heels too, calling out to me but I shut him out for now. He didn't do anything wrong but I can't talk to him till I've sorted this out. Serena quickly turns a corner and I follow just in time to see her rush into the girl's toilets. I pause before going in but not enough for Archie to catch up. I take a deep breath. It's time for me to be supportive now. I can't burst into tears or let this get to me. I am strong now. I swing the door open. The bathroom is empty except for one cubicle down the end where I can hear sobbing. I take another deep breath and walk over.

"Serena?" I say quietly while knocking gently on the door. No reply. "I know you're in there. C'mon let me in," I say to the door.

"Why the fuck would I let you in," says a croaky version of Serena's voice. More sobs.

"Please. Let's talk," I beg. No reply. "Okay, look. I'm sorry about what happened. Archie was out of line. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I've been through it alright? I've been through it," I say that last line so softly I almost think she hasn't heard but very slowly the latch on the door unhooks and a still-sobbing Serena is standing there. Honestly, she looks horrible. Her normally silky smooth brunette hair is mussed up like she's run her hands through it a million times. Mascara and eyeliner is running down her face like nothing else and her normally vibrant, plump lips are curved down into some kind of ugly grimace. Yes, she's a very ugly crier.

"What do you want Lexa," she says. She sounds like she's given up. The venom in her voice is gone.

"I'm just really sorry," I begin. "I didn't know you still thought you were with Archie or if you were or anything I promise. And I didn't know he was taking me to that party to make you jealous. If I had I would never have gone. I would never have ever talked to Archie or kiss him if that was the case." I look down at my feet. Serena sighs.

"Look, thanks for the apology. Honestly, we weren't really together. I think I just hoped that we were. Our relationship has been on the rocks for ages. I don't even think after the first couple of months I even liked him anymore. I think I was just sick of all the sleazy guys at this school throwing themselves at me and I wanted a challenge. And then this boy turns up and he's a challenge you know? He's lived in bloody London for Christ's sake. Everyone else was a sucker compared to him. I liked the idea of him and I really hoped we could be together but it didn't work you know?"

"Wait wait. Go back," I say. "Archie lived in London?"

Serena gives me an odd look.

"Yeah. He moved here about six or maybe eight months before you. "

"Oh," is all I can reply. What the fuck. Archie never told me this. He said he hadn't lived in this town his whole life but London? "But where did he come from before London?" I ask, still confused. "He's not from there, right?"

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