XXV Good Company (Part 2)

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HELLLOOO! It's almost Christmas yall!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry. I'm a Christmas fanatic. It's all I think about all day and all night in December until the big day. I just love it way too much ahahaha. Anyway, I've included a pic of Gigi on the VS runway this year because how freaking hot did she look! I don't care that her strap broke cause she rocked it so hard! I can't believe all the flak her and Kendall are copping. I feel like Gigi has worked hard and built herself up to be a model. I honestly didn't really know her until she was a model and I didn't realise her mum was on Real Housewives. She might've gotten a little head start but it's Kendall who's got the big one. Anyway, enough of that. Please enjoy the chapter.


I sit in the office chair. It's one of those wheeled black leather ones that rock back so that old businessmen can look like they're thinking really hard. I'm in Mr Smith's office. It's at the top of a giant skyscraper in Sydney where we can see the clouds drift over the cityscape and it feels as though we're on another planet. It's raining outside. He sits behind his light-wooded, unnecessarily large desk, tapping his fingers on a pile of fat folders in front of him. There's barely anything on the desk despite it being able to probably fit everything you could think of on it. There's just some dead flowers, a plaque stating his name, a laptop and files scattered across it. Not even a family photo contaminates it's shined surface. As I said it's raining outside. I stare at the fat drops of rain pounding at a steady rhythm on the huge glass window. Like his desk, his office is also large too. The whole room is a sea of grey carpet and maroon walls. It makes the room seem so dark and solemn matched with the stormy weather. The only furniture is his large desk and chair in which he is seated, a large bookcase and four chairs. Four of those bouncy black leather wheeled ones that Seth, Logan, my mother and I sit on respectively. We're waiting for the other lawyer to bring in the document. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. I'm so tired. And nervous. We haven't heard what's going on yet. I've asked so so so many times since I got that call. After I ran out of the restaurant, Archie sped his car right to the airport and I booked a ticket for me to Sydney. Archie insisted on coming for some reason. I told him not to be stupid but he bought his own ticket anyway. Then I called my mum. She was frantic and in a hurry as well.

"Do you think it's good news?" she said emphatically.

"I don't know," I'd replied. Isn't the mother supposed to know better than the daughter? "Can you pack me my stuff?" I'd asked. She'd agreed and said she'd booked flights for her, me, Logan and Seth and organised for Joey to stay with his friend. Unfortunately, it was on a different airline. I told her I'd already got a ticket and Archie was coming and she eventually agreed that it was okay. She said she'd get Seth and Logan to pack extra clothes that Archie could wear. I hung up because we had to get on the plane. I was so nervous. Archie asked me over and over. "What the fuck is the problem?". I couldn't tell him yet. "I'll explain, I promise," I'd say. When we'd gotten onto the plane I fell almost straight asleep. So did Archie. I remember waking up in his warm arms. I don't know why he came but I was too focussed on thinking about what attorney Smith was calling about. What could it be? Had they had a breakthrough? I hoped and prayed the whole flight. On the second leg, we were both awake.

"What's this about Lexa. I'm coming on this trip just for you. Please tell me what's wrong?" Archie had asked again. I just shook my head, no.

"I can't say yet Archie. I need to know the full story first." He gave up and went back to sleep again, pulling his arm over my shoulder. When we arrived, Archie went searching for a hotel and I came straight here. The lawyers were just packing up for the day. I'd run straight in, past the receptionist and knocked on Smith's door.

"Ah, Alexis, is your mother here?" he'd asked.

"She's coming any minute now. What's going on?" is all I'd replied. He'd nodded slowly, probably seeing my desperation and hope.

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