XXVIII I Don't Understand

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HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! I hope the new year is full of good luck, good fun and I hope it is a lot better than 2016! 2016 hasn't been the best year for me but I hope next year will be much better! At least this story has helped me get through it a bit!

Unedited, sorry.


Carly drags me out into the simmering Sydney street. I'm so weak that my legs wobble and shake with every step but Carly's strong arm keeps me upright. Carly is strong. I take her so much for granted. We grew up together and she's supported me like no one ever has. I hug her arm and she gives me an odd look. I'm so glad she's here. To rescue me.

"Lets get something to eat," she smiles widely. I just nod, admiring the courage in my friend to stick by me even when I'm at my worst. It's now that I realise I've never even asked her how she is.

"How are you, anyway, Carly?" I ask. She cocks her head at me as we walk.

"What?" she says, confused.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, Lexa. Why do you ask?"

"Do you have a new man yet?" I ask. "Anyone since Brax?" We cross the road. I can tell we're going to our favourite brunch cafe already. Carly takes a minute to reply. Brax was her boyfriend from the age of 12 until around when my dad died.

"Yeah, I've been with a few boys since then. And a girl," she looks up as she says this for my reaction. I sort of always suspected she was bi so it doesn't come as a surprise to hear this.

"Oh! That's good then. Anything serious?"

"Yeah well, with the girl...Her name's Yasmine by the way. I thought it would work out but it didn't," she looks down at the ground.

"Aw Carls, I'm sorry. I should've been there for you." It's my turn to look down at the ground. She looks back up at me.

"Not your fault, hon. You've got loads of other stuff to think about and relationship problems of your own. For now, we can just be single pringles," she grins. "It wasn't that serious anyway. Just me messing around like always! And look, we're here!"

We arrive at the little brunch place. Suddenly, my appetite which I've lost for weeks rushes back at me like a hurricane and I'm almost drooling at the thought of some pancakes with ice-cream at the moment. We quickly get a table and before I know it, I've basically inhaled a massive stack of pancakes with ice-cream and raspberries and am sitting back in my chair like a stuffed turkey.

"That was SOOO good," I grin. After eating so much after so long, my mood has lifted a thousand times over. "What's on the agenda next?"

"Christmas shopping of course!" Carly grins. My heart skips a beat of excitement at the thought and my old Christmas excitement and enthusiasm jolts to life. We pay and leave the restaurant, grinning and chatting. Carly tells me how the people at my old school are which is basically that they're exactly the same as how they were when I left. I tell her about my new school but I stay very clear of the poisonous subject of Archie Parker. I tell her about my new friends and how they're weird but awesome but definitely not as cool as her, much to her amusement. When we arrive at the mall, we shop and talk and shop and talk and shop and talk. By the time we've walked out, the sun is starting to set and I'm feeling a million times better now that I've managed to forget about everything I was so worried about. Instead of the burden of guilt and embarrassment, I'm now carrying the burden of heavy Christmas shopping and so is Carly. When we finally arrive back at the hotel, Carly has tears in her eyes.

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