XIX Archibald Parker

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Archie asked me on a date. Me. At least I think it's a date, well sort of. Whatever it is I'm on my way to see Archie now. Archie. The troublemaker, the badboy, the sexy gorgeous moody Archie. I stare out of the train window. Who knew this town had a train? To be honest, I'd detested it so much that I'd never even bothered to see around. I'd thought I'd be out of here by now. Back in Sydney or maybe in London with my uncle. I sigh, long and hard. It's spitting with rain outside. I don't even know where this place is in the USA. I never bothered to check. I look down at my hands, peeling the skin on the edges of my nails. I was selfish and silly to think I'd be out of here. It's a fresh start. I'm going on a date with Archibald Parker. I still haven't completely forgiven him. He did use me and trigger my attacks again. But they were going to come back anyway. It was only a matter of time. But now when I think of him, all I can think of are his swirling green eyes, his rippling muscles, the way he kissed me in that cabin. I blush just thinking about it. But then there was last week when he disappeared. He still hasn't told me where he was. He hasn't even been at school for me to ask. And then there's the fact that he lies about and hides everything he does. I sigh again, leaning my head against the window, the cool frost soothing my temples.

"Why do you make me so crazy, Archie? What are you hiding?" I whisper quietly.


The train screeches to a halt and I hop up, gathering my bag. I have no idea why Archie wanted me to come here. I look down at the text he sent yesterday:

Catch the train to the second stop at 10:45am. I'll be waiting.


I hop off of the train, looking desperately around but I can't see Archie in the crowd. I stand awkwardly, checking my phone. I didn't know what to wear today. He gave me no information. I've slipped into a leather-look skirt and white shirt with some sneakers. I hope wherever we're going is not more or less fancy than what I've dressed in.

"Hello there," a voice whispers in my ear. I jolt and swing around, getting ready to hit whoever's lurking behind me with my bag.

"WHACK," I hit the person in the face and they double over.

"What the fuck Lexa!" It's Archie. Shit.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I gasp, rushing over to help him up. "I thought you were a rapist oh my god don't sneak up on me like that." Archie straightens up, holding his nose. And laughing. Hysterically. I cross my arms and wait.

"You," he manages between laughs. "You just," he doubles over chuckling. "Oh Lexa."

It's such a funny sight that I start giggling too.

"C'mon let's go," he says when we finish, guiding me with his hand on my shoulder. Tingles form where his fingers touch. I'm going on a date with Archie.

"Where are we going?" I look up to him.

"You'll see," he winks. I shake my head. We stroll through the station. I have no clue where we are.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Next town over shorty. Wakeryville. It's slightly bigger than out lil home," he smirks.

"Oh," I say, still not sure what that's supposed to mean. We walk further down the street as I take in the town. We're obviously in the main bit as I can see a strip mall and a line of shops.

"This way," Archie steers me down one of the alleys.

"Uh Archie wha--" but he covers my mouth with his finger and leads me behind an old looking brick building.

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