XXX Camping (part ii) | Warmth

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Unedited, sorry. Longer chapter this week so hope you enjoy!!!


When we arrive at the campsite about twenty minutes later, I've learned quite a bit about Apollo and him, quite a bit about me. Of course, I didn't tell him any of my...secrets or the parts of my past that I prefer not to remember. Unlike Archie, he doesn't find the incessant need to add insults and sarcasm to the conversation. He tells me about his life as a kid in Britain and then moving to America for his parent's work. He tells me that they tried to be there as much as they could but their work for NASA consumed most of their time and he was often looked after by a nanny. I told him that my dad was also consumed in his work. He tells me about being in college at such a young age and having no friends until he was about 17 and people started actually talking to him. He tells me about building things constantly out of whatever he could find around the house. I tell him about life in Sydney and to my relief he doesn't ask anything about why I moved again. Before I know it, I've forgotten about my friends and we've reached the campsite. The cohort depart the bus and we all stand in a circle around Chuck. It's a typical American campsite that I've seen in movies; logs around a campfire, wooden log cabins surrounding it and huge pine trees that shade over the whole area. There's a common room and dining hall I can see just down a small path and lots of equipment scattered around such as fishing rods and kayaks. God, I hope we don't have to do any difficult physical activity. I'm still too weak for that.

"It's cool isn't it?" asks Apollo.

"Yeah I suppose it's quite nice," I reply.

"I've only been on one camp like this. I had to leave school before I could have any more," he looks down sadly. Before I can reply, Chuck clears his throat and addresses us.

"Rightio kids, here we are. Camp Grassling. So for now we'll get to unpacking the bus and choosing cabins. There's rooms for mainly pairs but three people can fit into one room. It's just a bit tight. No mixed genders. Your cabin as a whole will be your group for the camp so it can be mixed gender but AGAIN I will have no mixed genders in sleeping quarters within the cabin. Could you please get into similar age groups for each cabin as each of you will do activities suited to your year level at school. I'll let you get sorted in your rooms and meet me out here in ten minute-" Chuck gets cut off by a sudden revving of an engine in the distance.

"What the he-" he begins but is cut off as a car swerves in right next to Chuck's bus, only just missing it. For a moment, everyone is shocked but I am met with a delightful surprise as Kat's familiar dark haired head emerges from the driver's seat. She starts sprinting over with Theo and Donnie emerging from the car hot on her tail. She's in all black clothed in a large black t-shirt and black leggings, unsurprisingly while Theo is in some kind of fluro outfit and Donnie wears his ordinary flannel shirt over a plain t-shirt and tracksuit pants. They look quite the bunch. When she finally reaches the circle of students, she's puffing and panting like nothing else.

"Are we- are we..." she stops to catch her breath. "Are we too late, Chuck?" she finally manages as Donnie and Theo stop behind her, panting too.

"Kat, Kat, Kat. No, I suppose you're not because we didn't actually finish the briefing but 20 push-ups for all three of you! And if I find smokes on you then that's another 50!" Chuck replies. Kat rolls her eyes and drops down, to my surprise, completing 70 push-ups with the ease of an army soldier. Donnie struggles behind her with his 20 while Theo finishes his 20 unsurprisingly with ease.

"Guess I do have some," she shrugs. I see her scanning the crowd and it's only when her eyes light up when spotting me I realise that she'd been looking for me.

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