VIII Party Time

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Enjoy a pic of Lexa (Gigi Hadid) above :). Bit more eventful chapter now. Enjoy! And don't forget to share my story around with your friends and leave feedback/comments. I hope you're liking it. TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY AS WELL. This is not the norm for me but I will be updating more often (hopefully) after christmas (one chapter next week as well) and will be making a christmas special chapter as well that touches a bit more on Lexa's past when the christmas/new years period is over as well! So get excited people. This chapter is Unedited please forgive. 

I hear the doorbell ring loudly across the house. "ALEXIS!" I hear my mother call from downstairs. Archie is here to pick me up for the party. I look out the window to see his Mercedes parked outside my house even though all he did was reverse it out of the corner from his driveway. I'm pretty sure I would've been able to walk next door to his house to get into the car but anyway. I remind myself I'm only going to the party with him to try and get him to spill his secrets. I quickly fix up my nicely curled blonde hair. I have the navy dress on and it looks really good with some nude strappy heels I had in my wardrobe. I quickly stuff my phone into a clutch purse and check my makeup. I just put on some light foundation and mascara but I don't want it to smudge everywhere. When I walk down the stairs- very loudly and clumsily in my big heels (heels and me really do not match). I see Archie looking wonderful and talking to my mother in the doorway. He has a really nice dressy collared white shirt on (different to his normal t-shirt) and some chino ankle-freezer pants that fit his form nicely. He still has the converse on though. 

"Hi," I say shyly, scared of what he might say about the dress.

"Lexa, woah hi," he says eyeing me up and down. I blush. "You ended up buying the dress? I thought you didn't like it," he says looking very confused.

"I changed my mind," I smile sweetly, trying to keep the upper hand here. 

"Well you look woah you look-well um beautiful..." he stammers, rubbing the back of his neck and suddenly looking elsewhere than me. 

"Why thank you." I say with a slight smirk. "You don't look to bad yourself." He jolts back into reality at this and stops acting weirdly. 

"Okay we should go. Cya Ms Fox," he calls out to my mother who is back in the kitchen. 

"You guys have fun!" She yells back. "And Lexa, no funny business. Keep safe and close to Archie." I can see Archie holding in his laughter at my embarrassment and usher him out of the door and close it behind me. 

"C'mon little Lexi," he beckons me like a dog. "I have to look after you."

"Shut up!" I say and walk over to his car. I go around to the drivers side.

"No no no no no..." he shakes his finger. "You are not driving missy."

"Buutt..." I whine. 

"Remember what happened last time?" he says in a serious tone. 

"Fii-ine," I sulk and sit in the passenger side. "Who's party is this anyway?" I ask honestly.

"Uhhh just some chick," he says scratching the back of his neck again and pretending to be struggling to stick the key in the ignition. I decide not to push it further or point out that his expensive car doesn't even have a freaking ignition because it has one of those buttons. He finally stops pretending to find the ignition and starts the car. I can see him looking at me in my peripheral vision as I pretend to stare out the window before we start moving off.

The house isn't far away at all- only a couple of blocks. When we get there loads of people are outside with the stereotypical red alcohol cups partying to extra loud music. A group of intimidating looking boys sit on the grass outside all smoking with beer bottles in their hands. Archie parks across the road and we get out. 

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