XXX Camping (part iii) | Whoops

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unedited :)

I wake up to the sound of rustling and rummaging as I groan and roll over, sunlight streaming in through the window and blinding me when I attempt to open my eyes. When they finally adjust, it takes me a second to realise I'm in Apollo's room. In his sleeping bag. Shit. I can't believe that happened last night. I hear another lot of rustling from the end of the bed. Apollo must be doing something down there. I sit up in my bed but before I can even ask what he's doing, I yelp in surprise and bang my head on the light fitting next to the bed. Apollo is getting changed. While I'm in the room. And he has no shirt on, or pants. He's just in his boxers, in broad daylight for everyone to see. At my yelp, he looks up quickly. 

"Uh So-sorry!" I quickly turn away. 

"Oh uh I'm- I thought you'd be asleep still and I need to get prepared for my talk so I just got changed..." he says awkwardly from behind me. I just stay silent, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. I can't help it. He looked so sexy. The image of his lean, tan body imprints on my mind. His arms were surprisingly toned and he somehow looked so proportionate, so perfect to who he is as a person. 

"It's uh fine..." is all I can reply. "Are you done yet?" I hear another lot of shuffling around. 

"Yeah, you can turn around now!" I turn around, relieved but also slightly disappointed to see him fully dressed in trackpants and a long-sleeved t-shirt. "Did you sleep well?" he asks me as he packs away his luggage. 

"Yeah, actually," I shrug. I'm glad this camp is only one night. I'd die if I had to share with Apollo again. 

"Me too. I basically blacked out," he rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Um, you should probably get dressed. I think breakfast is in 20 minutes."

"Oh yeah. I'll do that now." I slide out of the sleeping bag and head out the door. Just as I enter the hallway, Apollo calls out to me. 

"Lexa?" he asks. 

"Yeah?" I turn around, waiting expectantly.

"Don't worry," he shakes his head and turns away. I shrug and walk off, wondering what on earth he wanted to say. 


I quickly return to our soaking wet cabin and slip on some, luckily, dry clothes. Kat is nowhere to be seen so I head over to breakfast on my own. When I arrive, the hall is a hustle and bustle and it takes me a while to spot Theo sitting by himself in the back corner. He gives me a wave and I head over. 

"Where's Kat and Donnie?" I ask him, looking around as if I expect they'll pop up any minute. Theo rolls his eyes before answering. 

"Doing...stuff. In the cabin. Catch my drift?" he winks. 

"OH...oh..." is all I can say as I catch on, grimacing a bit. Not that it's gross or anything, just that I even asked. 

"Yeah," Theo shrugs in response, not looking one bit surprised. 

"Anyway, I'm going to get breakfast." I make my way over to the buffet table. There's a simple selection of eggs and bacon or just cereal. I choose eggs and bacon of course. I could never pass on bacon. When I get back to the seat, Theo has already finished his huge breakfast which is no surprise because according to him it's 'bulking season'. I only realise I'm desperately hungry when my stomach begins to growl so I dig in right away. The eggs and bacon taste amazing, despite it being camp food. 

"Have you seen Apollo?" I question Theo, my mouth full of delicious food. I look around but I can't seem to find him. 

"You mean your sexy piece of meat friend?" he asks, winking. I roll my eyes. "No, I haven't. Speaking of the devil himself, I heard you had to bunk with him last night too!" 

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