XXIII This is Halloween

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Here it is! Halloween special! I hope you enjoy it cause I've spent a long time on it!! Lexa's costume is above. God, I love Gigi.


"Ouch!" I squeal as Cat yanks on my hair. She's curling it into super tight blonde curls. When I came to her this week asking about how to deal with this Halloween party situation I didn't know she was going to go to these lengths to make me look good. She's not even going to the party because she's having a break from them. Who knows why? Cat does whatever she wants.

"Sit still, Lexa, I need to get this perfect!" Cat mutters through gritted teeth. Who knew Cat was so into Halloween costumes? She won't even tell me what I'm actually dressing up as! I'm just trusting that it'll be nice even though I have a funny feeling she's picked something embarrassing. I don't think I've ever dressed up properly for Halloween. We had a drunken party once and we all dressed up as 'schoolgirls' and just wore our normal school uniform. Wow, how creative we were. The next year we had a Halloween party where it wasn't even compulsory to dress up. Only about 20% of the party had actually dressed up in the end. I've never been trick or treating, never carved pumpkins or whatever else Americans do. To be honest, the whole night scares me. Like do people just jump out at you? I don't know! Archie will probably think I'm mad.

"Are we almost done?" I whine to Cat. She just grunts back at me with a mouth full of bobby pins. She must be doing some serious hair work. After much more curling and prodding of my hair, she finally gets to makeup. Did I mention she won't even let me look in the mirror? The makeup seems tame enough with just some eyeshadow and stuff. I would've thought face paint would be in there somewhere to be honest. I'm really glad it's not.

"Right!" Cat steps back and makes out she's framing my face with her fingers. "Ah, perfect," she grins. "Now for the reveal." She hands me a tote bag full of clothes and what feels like some shoes. I go to open it but she stops me. "It's a surprise. Get in the closet and put it on first!" I've never seen Cat so excited and I don't want to burst her bubble so I oblige and slip into the closet. Guess it's time for the reveal!


No. No no no no no no. I can't wear this. I'm standing at the mirror in my costume absolutely embarrassed to the core of my soul. It's obvious that it's a Sandy outfit from Grease. But not just any Sandy outfit. It's the Sandy outfit including super tight, bum-hugging form-fitting black leggings and massive red heels that I can hardly walk in. Oh and did I forget to mention the off-the-shoulder super tight black crop and leather jacket. My ass is completely and totally outlined for the whole world to see and my boobs are bursting out of this top like nothing else. I don't want to leave the closet in this. It's way too tight and way to revealing for my taste. Why couldn't I just wear a sheet and be a ghost?

"You alright in there?" Cat calls, knocking on the door. I don't even want to yell back. Maybe if I crawl far enough into the corner it will suck me in so I don't have to face the world.

"Um I dunno. I um..." I stumble trying desperately to come up with an excuse other than 'there's no way I'm wearing this because it's so tight I'm pretty sure it's the same as wearing nothing'.

"Get out here," Cat replies. I sigh. I really have no choice. I have to go out at some stage. I open the closet slowly, trying to hide my body as much as possible with my hands.

"MEOW! You look sexy as. I knew I made the right choice!" Cat comments but her face falls when she sees how uncomfortable I must look. "What's the matter hun?"

"It's a great costume Cat...on someone else. I just really don't think I can pull this off..." I mumble.

"Honey, you were made to be Sandy. Look at you! Archie won't be able to get his jaw off the floor after taking one glance at you!" I blush at the compliment. "Look, everyone and I mean EVERY girl dresses 10x less revealing than you are right now. You'll get to the party and every girl will basically be in their underwear. Trust me." I do trust her and it makes me feel slightly better but I'm still skeptical. I still don't think I can pull it off but I don't really have a choice. A glance at the clock tells me that Archie will be here in 5 minutes. Definitely not enough time to change. "Hmmm there's something missing?" Cat looks at me with squinted eyes.

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