XI Broken

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UNEDITED, SORRY! PREVIOUSLY ON TBBS: Archie takes Lexa to his favourite place and they eat McDonalds in the sun on the hill.

For what feels like hours, we continue to lie in the sun, basking ourselves in the golden rays and thinking. Thinking about the events. It all happened so quickly. It was only a few weeks ago that I arrived in this town and I've already made a mess of it. The party was the start and I'm not all to blame. I can't help but think that bad things just follow me around like my own shadow. I sigh and Archie turns to me. For the first time in a while I can't read his face, yet he has one of those faces that show exactly what he's thinking. Its blank and I only realise now that it's because he's relaxed. I think about all the secrets that surround me and this boy in front of me who I can't quite figure out. I was always good at figuring out people. Or so I thought. But this boy, this cheeky bad boy; I can't figure him out.

"Whatcha looking at?" he raises his eyebrows at me and I realise I've been staring too long.

"Your ugly face," I reply. Archie chuckles and looks back out to the field.

"We should get back," he says.

"Yeah, my mum's gonna be worried sick." I look down at the ground. I feel horrible about it too. I'm not supposed to run off like this and I know I'll be in huge trouble when I get home. We stand up, shaking grass from our butts and scrunching up the McDonald's wrappers. Turns out that between the two of us (but mainly Archie) we finished all twelve burgers! We don't talk walking back to the car either. I think we're too scared. Well I am. Scared of what's next. I decide to start the conversation anyway. We have to have it at some point.

"Archie..." I begin. He whips around to me and I can see in his swirling green eyes that he knows exactly what I'm about to bring up.

"Lexa, c'mon let's get back. We don't have to talk about this right now."

"Yes. Yes we do Archie. What do we do when we get back to school? Do we like call the police about this?" I ask, my voice shaking a little. It was cyberbullying, what Serena did and I've seen enough documentary and warning posters to know that it's not good to ignore it.

"No. I've already dealt with it." He states, starting to walk back through the forest. I grab his arm but he turns and keeps walking, his mood clearly sour now.

"You mean by fighting those guys?" I ask.

"No Lexa! Jesus Christ, get off my case," he shrugs me off.

"Archie, what the hell did you do?" He ignores me, turning his back and walking back through the forest. But he forgets I have no shoes on. I have no choice but to follow him.

"What did you do Archie?" I ask again, attempting to hop across the stones but he keeps stalking away.

"ARCHIBALD PARKER LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" I yell. My outburst springs tears into my eyes. He turns around and his shoulders shrug down when he sees my bare feet on the sharp rocks.

"Lexa, shit I forgot. Your feet."

"Don't change the subject Archie. What. Did. You. Do?" I ask for the last time. He sighs in defeat.

"Don't be mad," he says but at his words I sure as hell already am. "I texted Serena, well, I yeah..." he mutters, "and she took it down already." I stand frozen with shock.

"How dare you go and do that without telling me!" I yell at him. "How did you get her to agree?" I ask.

"Well- I uh, I had some stuff on her," he mumbles.

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