X Of Secrets and Sickness (Part 2)

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WOW GUYS! I don't believe it and I love you all. This book is at 9k reads! I didn't ever think it would even get 100!!!! Thank you so much for all the nice comments, votes and just for giving the story a chance. I love all of you xxxxxx

Okay, on another note. I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY that I have not updated!!!!! I have been WAY busier than I ever expected with exams and life and I feel so terrible that I haven't updated in forever. I know how frustrating it can be. BUT there is some good news. At the end of July, I will be quitting my part time job as it takes up way too much time and means I barely get a spare moment to work on other projects like this. This is great news for you guys because it means that I will be updating probably fortnightly, if not weekly when it comes round to that time of year. HOPEFULLY then I can really get this book going because I have been so so so so bad at updates. I have so many plans for this so it will be great to really spend time perfecting a new chapter each week and posting it when I am actually ready. 

But, for now here's the rest (part 2) of the previous chapter (part 1) for you to enjoy. Its pretty cute so I hope you can enjoy and it will hopefully tide you over for the next couple of weeks while I'm getting my life sorted out. I am HOPING to update again in around 2 weeks to 3 weeks time (which I KNOW is agggesss). Anyway enough from me. Just enjoy the new chapter. 

P.S I recommend reading the last bit of the last chapter as it continues straight on from that. Thanks guys. 


(Continued from chapter 10 part one)

I stand up and sway slightly. My legs wobble like jelly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Archie stares at me, his face full of concern.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just want to be out of here," I repeat. I realise I'm still in the hospital gown as I look down. Archie notices too.

"We'll get you some clothes on the way there," he says. I just nod and start to follow him out the door.

"Wait!" he says, peering out to the hallway. "We don't want the nurses to see you!" 

"Wait why?" I say confusedly.

"Just for fun," he winks. 

"Hey, no we should tell them!" I hiss, trying not to attract the attention of the many people in the hallway. 

"Have a bit of fun Lexa! C'mon we've already been arrested!"

I still disagree with this but I stay back until he gestures for me to continue forward. Before I've even taken in the hallway, Archie grabs my hand and yanks me along the hall, practically dragging my sorry ass.

"Archie, hold on!" I hiss but he ignores me as we approach the elevator. I can see people in the halls eyeing me weirdly and probably seeing my panties from the back of my gown. I desperately use my other hand to pull it shut as we wait for the elevator. Unfortunately when it opens I see what I dreaded; its packed with some massive family. Not only a massive quantity but they are big and teetering on the edge of being considered morbidly obese. 

"Um...," Archie mumbles. "Maybe we'll wait for the next one." I look back to see if anyone is staring at my backside only to discover a very worried nurse emerging from my room. 

"NO its fine," I grab his hand this time and drag him in. Its a tight squeeze. Very tight. Archie is squished up against the wall. And I am, once again squished up against him. I get the feeling of deja vu from the party. For a minute I get lost in the smell of him. I can't even look up and see if he's looking at me, we're that close. My chest is squashed right up against his stomach and I can barely move my head. Then I remember my backside and the fact that a family is behind me, probably staring at it right now.

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