XXXII A Good Day

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Unedited, sorry guys :/ Also had to do this on my phone because Wattpad on the web isn't working.
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring into my ear from the bedside table. Great. Just one of the many things I dislike about being organised. But then again, at least I'll be ready on time. I hop out of bed yawning and stretching, my back cracking like a firecracker on Chinese New Year. I catch my reflection in the mirror with a flash of white. Wow. I forgot I look so different with this hair. I smile to myself. It's the first time in a while that I think I've looked...good. I check the time. One hour until I have to leave for school. PLENTY of time. I hop into the shower, singing at the top of my lungs. It's a new day. It's a new life. I'm starting over. I grin to myself as I think about the possibilities. I am going to do. I am not going to say I can't or I won't. I am going to do. I say this mantra to myself in the shower and as I hop out to blow dry my hair. I am going to do. Once I blowdry my hair, it looks fine without being styled. The texture of it sits just right on my shoulders and parts nicely over my face. I'm definitely getting it dyed permanently. I look up local hairdressers on my phone to book in the next week. Although, it is Christmas in a couple of weeks so I have to be quick. I note the numbers down next to the list of doctors that I decided my mum could see and head into my wardrobe. I am about to reach for my normal hoodie and leggings which I've been wearing lately to avoid any attention from anybody, but I stop. That's not who I am anymore. I'm confident Lexa. I'm the Lexa I was two years ago. Happy and someone who gets what they want. I start to shuffle through my old clothes, skipping over anything baggy or floral. That's not what I'm going for. I finally settle on some ripped jeans with a cropped sweater and an oversized faded pink toned silk and embroidered bomber jacket my aunt got me from Japan. I match the outfit with some cute high-heeled velvet ankle boots I find and walk over to the full size mirror. My transformation is almost unrecognizable. I look edgy and well...confident. My hair stands out against the pink of the jacket and the blue of my jeans. The light colours make me look less washed out and more like the tanned beach-babe I used to look like. I smile and start to pack my handbag. Today will be a good day.

When I get downstairs, my family almost have a heart attack.

"Had a bit of a crisis?" Seth asks as he scoffs down his cereal. Its 'bulking' season apparently so he has to eat a whole mixing bowl full of cereal every morning.

"Suits ya," Logan says. Joey runs up to me but backs away in horror when he sees my hair.

"WHAT!?" he says, speechless and confused. "Lexa has turned into an old grandma! EVERYONE LEXA HAS TURNED INTO AN OLD GRA-" I cut him off with a 'shhh'.

"Joey, it's just hair dye!" I tell him. He just makes a screeching sound and runs off. I chuckle. Its mum's reaction that is the biggest. I can tell that today isn't a bad day because yesterday was, but she looks shaken by my transformation.

"You- look different..." she manages to choke out. She is busy packing Joey's lunchbox.

"Yeah, I needed a change," I look down at the ground. I know she's upset. And I know why she's upset. I made myself look less like dad. I was always the one that looked the most like him and I made myself look less like him. Tears shine in her eyes but she pretends to be nonchalant.

"It's just temporary isn't it?" she asks.

"Yes...but I think I'll get it permanent." She almost winces at my reply and I look away. I knew this would happen. But it still hurts.

"What did you want for breakfast?" her eyes are threatening to spill over with tears but she ignores it.

"I'll make myself some eggs," I say and walk over to the fridge as she leaves me to make my breakfast. Right. Lexa's big plan step one: gain weight. That involves eating. Three or more times every day. Even during depressive moments and episodes. I sigh. It's hard to eat proper big meals after my body shutting down. I pull out three eggs, some bacon and a thick piece of buttered toast and cook away, before scoffing it all down. Time to go to school.

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