XXII Second Date

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Hey, so next week I'm uploading a Halloween based chapter so get pumped for that. I don't celebrate Halloween as I live in Australia but I'll try my best to write it accurately. Anyway, on with the story. Enjoy lovelies!


"We're here," Archie grins.

"Um so where the fuck is this?" I ask him confused. We are in the middle of nowhere. Why is it always the middle of nowhere with Archie? He's parked us in a very patchy looking carpark with no other cars around and just a hell of a lot of trees. If I didn't know better I'd think he'd brought me out here to murder me and hide the body. I shudder. I watch way too many movies.

"You'll see later. It's a surprise," he flashes his white teeth at me. "Did you bring your swimsuit?"

"My swimsuit?" I ask, confused. "You never told me to bring a swimsuit."

"Oh yeah whoops my bad," he grimaces and rubs the back of his head. "Forgot about that. Anyway never mind." Never mind? Is he mad? What the hell is he up to. "Okay, put this on," he hands me a blindfold.

"No, no way," I refuse, pushing it back into his hands. "Just tell me where we're going."

"Just trust me. Please?" he begs. "We had fun last time just trust me okay?"

I sigh. God, I can't believe I'm doing this. I slip on the blindfold and the world around me goes dark. Great, I can't bloody see at all.

"Archie, I can't' see a thing!" I reach out my hands to try and feel my surroundings.

"That's the whole point!" I can feel him laughing at me. What a bitch. At least I can try and find him to guide me now. I reach out my hands to where I think he is, feeling around.

"What are you doing?" I hear his voice say. Ah Ha! I shoot out my hand, hoping to find his arm so I can punch it but instead I feel something else really strange. Archie jolts backward.

"Woah there," he says. I feel my face drop as I realise what I've just touched. It was jeans. And a fly. And the merchandise underneath that. I've just groped Archie's junk. Oh no. Oh no. I feel my face go so red that I'm pretty sure anyone would mistake me for a very ripe tomato. I can't even bear to take the blind fold off now.

"Um let's go," Archie grabs my arm but I can feel his smirk. He probably thought I did it it on purpose or something. Wow, what a way to inflate his ego, Lexa. I just sigh as I let him drag me on. I promised myself I'd have fun on this date and forget the secrets Archie's keeping.

We walk on a very bumpy and very rocky path for what seems like a while. A lot of trees brush my shoulders and I jolt every time they do. Archie just lightly guides my arm to where we are going, sometimes touching my lower back which makes me melt into him every time. There's something about that spot on my back that gets me every time. Finally, we come to a halt and I feel Archie leave my side, letting go of my arm. I don't reach out this time though. I know better than that now.

"May I present to you," Archie says in a circus presenter's voice. "The most perfect. The most beautiful. The most amazing thing you will ever see!" he says as he whips my blindfold off and a shower of light blinds me momentarily. When my sight finally returns to me I literally cannot believe my eyes. For a second, all thoughts leave my mind except for one: It's absolutely stunning. I can't even describe the beauty of the clearing Archie has brought me to but God, I'll try. We're in some sort of wood or forest but the trees aren't so big that they block out the sun so it's leaking through in strings of gold. The forest floor seems to glow in the spots the sun hits it, tiny little flowers peeking through the undergrowth. But that's not the impressive part. The impressive part is the gorgeous body of water I'm staring at. It's a lake, or no, maybe a pond? The water is so clear that I can see the rocks in perfect detail at the bottom. Tiny little rainbow fish swim through the water, the streams of light reflecting off of their bodies. A trickling little waterfall is the backdrop to the scene. The water on it glistening as it joins so peacefully with the little lake below. The whole clearing is lush with grass and moss. It looks like the wallpaper you get on a computer.

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