XVI When the Rain Comes Down

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Previously on The Badboy's Secret: The police came to Lexa's school to interview her about the incident with the picture online but she denies everything and pretends it didn't happen. A couple of days later, Lexa is a mess and crying so she gets up to go for a walk. Somehow, she gets hopelessly lost and in her confusion she runs into Archie.

Lexa in the pic.


We both pull away from the hug suddenly, stepping back from each other as though the other is covered in posion. We just look at each other for a moment, his eyes boring into mine and swirling with their normal blue-green colours. There's a clear silence throbbing between us, getting larger by the second. I awkwardly hug myself, biting my lip and feeling the heat from the hug rapidly being lost in the cold air. I look away suddenly but Archie keeps staring. I can see he's slightly dazed, the red around his eyes giving away the reason why. Behind him I can see the clouds gathering into a stormy mass. The wind picks up and I shiver. Archie snaps out of his daze for a moment.

"We're both a mess," he says. And then the rain comes down.

We run. I'm not sure where but I follow Archie as thick droplets of rain drench me from head to toe. The pavement has become so muddy I almost slip over several times but we keep running. Lightning and thunder crack and sizzle around us. I'm scared and cold so I follow Archie. Eventually I can see we've reached the outskirts of town. I must have walked really far. Archie quickly looks back to check I'm still there and grabs my wrist. I almost pull away but I know we have to get to shelter. He leads me off under some trees that provide some cover. I'm confused and dazed and my eyes are filled with rain but before I know it we're somewhere warm and dry. I open my eyes and am immediately met with a cosy little hut. It is just one room with a small bathroom in the corner. A couch fills up most of the space and a little heater in the corner is enough to fill the room with heat. I can hear the heavy rain pounding on the roof above.

"Here," Archie says from behind me. I turn to see that he's much closer to me than I thought and I jolt backwards. He winces and turns his head, but hands me a t-shirt.

"It's the only piece of dry clothing in here," he says curtly. "Get changed in the bathroom." I grab the shirt and walk into the little bathroom, shutting the door behind me. How can I be here with-with him. How could this happen. I hold back a sharp sob. My meds and the rain and the last couple of weeks and the last bloody year are suddenly crashing down on top of me. But somehow I manage to breathe, a shaky, horrible breath and start to peel off my clothes. They are all drenched from bottom to top. I hang them over the shower door and use a spare towel on the rack to dry myself off. I don't know what this place is but I'm grateful for it. I grab the tshirt to slide it on before I realise my bra is even soaking wet. Luckily my underpants aren't too bad. I hesitate, deciding whether to take the bra off or not but its freezing and I'd rather let it dry off so I take it off. I blush in embarrassment and guilt even though no ones watching when I just slip the t-shirt on without a bra underneath. I realise that I've become unhealthily thin during my episode in the past few weeks as Archie's shirt that would have used to reach a high point on my thighs due to my curves now reaches to my mid-thigh. Oh well, better for me. I emerge from the bathroom slowly to see Archie looking out of the small window in thought. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Thanks," I mutter, hugging my arms around my chest. He looks at me with an unreadable expression.

"I need to talk to you Lexa," he says, not meeting my eyes.

"No, not now please Archie." I plead but he has a look in his eye that tells me he'll keep going anyway.

"I owe you a big apology..." he begins.

"Um what is this place," I interrupt.

"Lexa please," he growls. "I need to do this."

"Tell me where I am first," I stamp my foot, trying to avoid the conversation. I can't deal with this now.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair and down the back of his neck. "Its just an abandoned hut I found. But Lexa please. I'm sorry okay?"

I don't meet his eyes, pretending to take in the hut. "Wow, nice place though," I say nonchalantly.

"Lexa, I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry!" he raises his voice.

"Sorry for what?" I I frown, dropping my act. "You did a lot of things to me Archie and I don't think I'll ever trust you again," I blurt. His face falls and he looks hurt.

"I'm sorry for bloody everything Lexa. I don't- I- I don't know what's wrong with me. I have no excuse but..."

"Archie, I really can't do this," I shake my head and turn away trying to hold back tears. I don't want to be reminded of the last few weeks.

"Lexa please. I'm not asking for forgiveness but I was wrong okay? Wrong to use you and to snap at you and do anything to you! You are just this amazing, perfect girl and I didn't know what I was doing. I've never met someone like you...I just- I really messed up." He looks at the ground shamefully

I look at this bad boy, apologizing to me and telling me that he was wrong. My heart doesn't warm but it softens a bit. He is really sorry. He has to be. Either that or he's a really good actor.

"I- I don't know Archie, I just can't...." I look up into his eyes. He looks odd standing there. The confidence is gone and there's something replacing it; vulnerability maybe? He stares at me, those eyes telling me nothing about what he's thinking. And before I can say anything he steps into me until his face is inches away and suddenly his lips meet mine and I'm kissing him. The fireworks begin in my stomach as soon as his lips touch mine. He starts softly, little tingles sparking on my lips, the taste of mint and the smell of aftershave lingering. Suddenly, I'm lost in him, our noses pressed together and his lips leaving tingles on mine. His face is hot, feverish or maybe that's my face? I can't tell because for a moment we're just one being, united in our embrace. Electricity flows down my whole body and I jolt when he grabs my hips and pulls me closer, his hands warm and gentle. And then the kisses start to become longer, sloppier, more desperate and we're in a passionate embrace. I run my hands down his face, rough stubble prickling my fingers and he massages my lower back with his delicate hands. He growls low and deep, whispering my name into my lips. We're both panting in between kisses, moaning into each other's mouths, our bodies pressed together so tightly. I can feel his muscles up against my stomach and when I run my hand down his back to brush over them, he jolts and squeezes my hips tight. It's hot, so hot like we're in an inferno, but somehow its perfect. We both become more passionate and I can't tell how much time has passed. He picks me up now that I'm so light and we somehow fall down onto the sofa, me on top of him, both of us desperately hungry for more. I bite his lip and he chuckles into my mouth while I tangle my hands in his soft hair. How I've longed to feel that hair. He slides the top up slightly, his hands now touching my bare skin. My whole body jolts from the touch as he draws circles on my thin hips. I'm only in my panties and he can tell as he teases closer and closer to my panty clad ass. We can't get enough of each other, the rain still pounding on the roof above.

I'm still so mad at him, enraged actually. But I've never felt something so passionate and perfect in my life.


HEY GUYS! hope this was a better chapter. Forgive me for mistakes it is unedited. I'm really sorry but the next two weeks are going to be so hectic so the next chapter won't be for another fortnight again! I promise that next time it will definitely go back to weekly updates. Anyway, details below for next chapter dates. XXOO



Saturday 17th September 7:00am CDT (central daylight time USA)

Australia: Saturday 17th September 9:30pm ACST (Australian central standard time)

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