II Locked Out

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Thanks for the reads guys, I appreciate people just checking out my story. The picture is what I sort of picture Lexa's house as. Not quite but almost.  Also, who should I cast as Archie and Lexa? Any suggestions?

Jane, Archie and Lucie hadn't stayed long. It had become late and they hurried back to their house. Archie had spent most of the time on his phone and Lucie went to play with Joey so I just sat there awkwardly. I had decided to call it a night, showered and wrapped myself up into bed. I fell straight to bed, despite my nap on the drive here.


I jolt awake suddenly from a bad dream and come back to reality. I usually have the same dreams every night. Blinking at the blinding light in front of me. I sigh in relief, remembering the twins, Joey and I don't have to go back to school for another week so we can 'adjust'. Ah the sweet joy of staying home. I lay back in my bed for a few minutes before I notice a note on the door. I squint at the curly writing and recognise it as my mum's.

Hey Sweetheart,

Joey, Seth, Logan and I just went to do some shopping for food and to explore our new home a bit. We didn't want to wake you. We should be home by 4. There is a sandwich in the fridge for you when you wake up. Oh and I think a plumber is coming to fix the sink at 1ish so could you let him in.

See you soon honey,

Mummy xo.

I smile at my mother's note and check the clock beside my bed: 12:00pm. The jetlag must have really got to me. But, I have the whole house to myself for four hours which rarely happened back in Sydney. There was always guests or sibling's friends or one of mum's many girl gatherings. I almost jump in joy. Getting up, I hop into the shower and let the steamy water wash over me. I sing Taylor Swift at the top of my lungs and use an unnessecary amount of my favourite strawberry body-wash. 

Suddenly, the doorbell rings. DING DONG. The loud dinging noise echoes throughout the house and I freeze. Shit. Shit. Shit. The plumber! I had forgotten! Panicking, I turn the water off and hop into a towel, still dripping wet. I don't even care that I am in a towel, I just need to get there or my mother will kill me. I run down the stairs but of course the clumsy person I am, I slip on the puddle made from my sopping hair and bang my arm on the banister. Real. Damn. Hard. "ARGHHH SHIT," I scream out loud. A huge bruise forms as I drop my towel to look at my arm. It definitely isn't broken but mother of Jesus gezeebus it hurts. Holding my arm and trying to hold up my towel I shuffle over to the door and strain to get it open for the plumber. But, when I open the door there is just a scrawled note on the floor. 

"Dear Mrs Fox, had a family emergency will come tomorrow. Jim (your plumber)."

I sigh. I bumped my arm for nothing. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind hurtles down the street and blows my towel from my body. SHIT. I desperately try to hide myself as I watch it fly down the street and onto the road. There is no way I am running out in the middle of the street completely nude to retrieve it. I shiver in the cool breeze and turn to go back inside when the door slams shut. Right in my damn face. No. no no no no no. This cannot be happening. I pull at the handle desperately, swearing under my breath. THE DOOR IS LOCKED. I begin to panic. I am stark naked, in the middle of the street and locked out of my house. I frantically look around making sure no one is looking. I start to panic. I could get arrested. No one had ever seen me naked. Ever. What if I get raped? I just stand there awkwardly. I don't have a phone or anything. Suddenly, I hear the neighbor's door from the house diagonal open and shut and an oldish man comes out to put the rubbish out. Immediately panicking, I run around the side of our house and duck behind a corner, hidden from his sight. It is weird because on this side of the road, the three houses including mine have no back or side fence so you can just walk around behind them. I start to hyperventilate a little but calm myself down. I just have to get out of this position and find somewhere to hide. My eyes immediately focus on the forest. There is a little bush this side of the creek. As far as I know there is no bridge near my house leading to the bigger trees so the bush will have to do until my mum and brothers get home.

Looking around and checking that the coast is clear, I make a run for the bush and hide in the safety of its foliage. The only problem is that it is prickly. Very very prickly. Every time I move, little cuts form on my skin. I sigh. I can't stay here or I will be sliced to smithereens. Looking around for a better hiding spot, I remember that mum had said that there was a little shed that we owned on the other side of the neighbour's house. I scan along the forest before my eyes land on a small tin shed glinting in the distance. It is about seventy metres (about 200 feet) at least away. It would be good to stay in while awaiting my mum and siblings to return. But, I would have to run across naked, risking being seen in my birthday suit. Deciding that it is worth the risk instead of bleeding to death from the prickly bush, I take a deep breath preparing myself to run. I sort of grab my bits and take off in the direction of the shed. The wind whips my shivering naked skin but I run faster than I have ever run in my life. The adrenaline rushes through me and I am almost there. Feeling suddenly self-conscious to see if anyone is watching I turn for a second when...BANG. I smash into something big and hard. It knocks the air out of me and for a second I black out. I come to realize that it is not a thing but a human being, as I hear a loud "Oooph," as I make impact. Me and this mystery stranger topple to the ground. I shut my eyes for the impact before opening my eyes to see that I am facing a familiar face. There, inches from my face is Archie Parker, sexy as ever with a slight look of shock on his face. Still winded, I struggle to form words in my mouth and remembering that I am stark naked only makes it worse. I feel my face turn a deep red in embarrassment and shock. 

"Hey there princess, I didn't know you were that into me," he smirks as the shock disappears from his face.

"I.. I... I.." I stutter, "I- Why are you out here?" I blurt out.

"Why I was just taking a walk and then a naked chick ran into me. You might want to get off of me, you're kind of heavy?" He almost snarls. The words sting me. He basically just called me fat. The insult repeats itself, branding itself into my brain.  I scramble off him, tears forming in my eyes but before I know it I feel myself starting to lose it. The last few weeks wash over me. I thought I had myself under control...I desperately try to keep my emotions in check but my mind flashes back to the funeral, the anger, the despair and I take it out on this innocent boy. 

"You know what? Just stop being a jerkwad. Just get away from me. What kind of guy says those things to a girl. Or anyone for that matter!" I half yell, not wanting to draw attention. And then I realize that I am naked and I am scaring him and so I burst into tears. "I HATE THIS PLACE, I HATE YOU!" I yell uncontrollably. This is the worst day of my life and I can't take it anymore. "ITS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT THAT I HAD TO MOVE HERE SO JUST GO AWAY!" I sob, as tears stream down my face. I am still naked but I don't care. I just miss...Him... and sadness fills me uncontrollably. I start to hyperventilate, panicking as my vision blurs and I take shallower and shallower breaths. The familiar sensation of being suffocated by my own thoughts take over. Archie just stands there awkwardly, guilt washing over his face.

 "I...um...I'm sorry," he stammers. "Uh here," He takes off his shirt and hands it to me and turns around. At the change in his tone, I remember how to breathe again. After a while the loud gasps transform into softer sobs and I quickly pull on the shirt and shiver in the cold. It comes down to my mid-thigh even though I'm not even that short. I stop crying and just stand there, hugging my arms around myself. I wasn't supposed to lose it like that again. 

"Uh come to my place, I mean only if you, uh, you know...want to," Archie says. I just nod and follow him to his house. I block out the sad thoughts that try to crawl into my mind and my stomach rumbles. Archie puts his hand on my shoulder cautiously and rubs in circles as we make our way to the house. 

"Lets get you some food," he smiles and reassures me. His smile is so warm and his fingers leaves tingles on my skin. I look into his mesmerizing green eyes and I recognise something in them. Something that I see in my own these days. Maybe...Sadness? Distress? 

I just edited some bits of this chapter because the tense kind of changed aha x Will probs update next weekend. 

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