XXX Camping (part i) | New Friends

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New character this chapter. How exciting. I sort of imagine him to look like Zayn if you're wondering how to picture him.


It took mum a bit of convincing for her to let me go on Kat's little camp thing. She yelled at me for skipping class and yelled at me again for being so stupid and yelled again for no particular reason. She's super stressed about the company still. And to be honest, so am I. Jarrod really isn't letting up on the "Lexa has to be CEO" thing. I don't know what his problem is still, either. It's not like he actually loved me. It was all a game and this probably is too. Anyway, here I am at the meeting point for the camp after much begging my mother to let me go and telling her it is 100% about studying and not just an alcohol-fueled party. The parents had to drop us off at the meeting point at the start of the woods which is at the end of our street pretty much. Mum drove me because of my big bag which would be pretty hard to carry all that way. We arrived at the meeting point a few moments ago. A few other kids in different year levels are mingling by a signpost that says, 'Study in the Woods- Meeting Point" but there is no sign of Kat, Donnie or Theo. A mini-bus is waiting in the entrance of the woods, ready to take us to the campsite I suppose.

"Okay sweetie. Call me as soon as you get there," my mum kisses the top of my forehead.

"Yeah, yeah. They confiscate our phones after we get off of the bus though mum so I can't contact you any more than that."

"I know, honey," she sighs. "If anything and I mean ANYTHING is wrong, you let the leader know right away, okay?"

"Yesss muuummm," I roll my eyes as I start to get out of the car. I pick up my bag from the boot and stand back and wave us my mum reverses out and drives back down to our house. I take a look at the other camp members. They range from being about 8 years old to almost my age. Most of them are congregating in their own groups. I can only catch phrases of their conversations that seem to be either about some kind of PC video game, chess or maths. Great. I don't know much about any of those topics. I take my phone out of my pocket. Where are my friends? I click on Kat's number. The phone rings but she doesn't pick up. I sigh, looking around to the other kids again. I must look like such a loner.

"Hey, going alright?" says an unfamiliar British-sounding voice. I turn around quickly to be faced with a boy I've never seen before. He has caramel brown eyes and jet black hair. He is tall, but not as tall as Archie, and lanky but something about him seems so friendly and warm. He's dressed super comfily and casual but slightly sporty in just Adidas tracksuit pants, sneakers and a hoodie.

"Um yeah...just waiting for my friends," I say. He smiles, showing off perfectly white and straight teeth.

"I'm Apollo," he raises his hand for me to shake it. "Yeah it's a weird name. My parents are NASA fans. Well, actually they work there..."

"Oh," is all I can reply, shocked at how casually nice this guy is.

"Annnd you aree?" he grins.

"Oh um I'm Lexa," I blush. Why am I getting so weird around this guy?

"Well Lexa, nice to meet you. And cute accent. Is it Australian, New Zealander or maybe South African?" he questions.

"Australian...I'm from Sydney," I reply.

"Ah thought it might be it. If you're wondering why I have an accent it's because my father is British and I was even brought up there until I was 7. It is slowly fading away though unfortunately. That's what living in America does to you I suppose..."

"Do you go to my school?" I blurt out. I've never seen this boy before and I'm sure I would've heard of him if he went to my school. I mean, he is sort of good looking.

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