Chapter 20

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*Chris's P.O.V.*

I'm so sure that Andy is the killer, I mean, he's the only one who wasn't down here. He could have easily crept his way down stairs and hurt Erin before going back upstairs. And while he was going back up the stairs, he could have easily made a thud, which was what got the other's attentions. I mean, it all makes since, but what doesn't make sense is why he didn't just kill all of us, make another explosion or something, just, it's not adding up. I looked towards the crowd of people surrounding Ronnie, yelling at him.

"Listen, this is the last f.ucking time that I'm telling you guys something. You're all scared, I get that, I am too. But you guys act like you know everything. If that's the case, then please, take over." No one stepped forward to do so. I sat down at the base of the stairs and watched as everyone stared at him. I could see that they were all stepping over Oliver, and I don't see how the poor guy could sleep through this. I stood up and went over to the crowd, making a way through them and hitting his shoulder.

"Oliver, buddy get up." I said and a few people looked down to see him still sleeping too.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the sick bastard never wakes up." Bret said coldly.

"Shut up." I told him and hit him again. "Oliver! Get up." I told him strictly and he didn't move. "Austin."

"Yeah?" He asked and I pointed to Oliver, him coming to his side and shaking him but he didn't move.

"Why don't we just go? We go now, we'll meet the sunrise and have all day to find help." Vic suggested and Ricky shook his head, moving towards Ronnie. I watched two scenes, Austin giving CPR to Oliver and Ricky trying to explain things.

"Yeah, maybe so, but weather is unpredictable and you don't know what creatures are here. I even ran over a snake on my way out here, so if you want to go, go." Ricky said and Vic started leading the pack, Kellin following him close and clinging to him. Bret shrugged and went ahead while a sniffling Alysha followed too. I looked down at Austin and he motioned for me to move down to him. I squatted down to hear him and he sighed.

"He's dead." He spoke in a whisper.

"What? How?" I asked and he shrugged. "Find out." I told him and he nodded, and I stood back up.

"Vic, please no. I'm scared of the dark." Kellin whined and Vic took ahold of him.

"I have you, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, just calm down." He told him and kissed his forehead, slowly they walked out.

"Have you found anyway to see if there's a chance we can contact the police?" I asked Ronnie and he shook his head, and I sighed, thinking that maybe the idea or thought of leaving would be good. I watched as Ronnie left and went into the kitchen, and I looked at everyone else. They were all still checking and you've never seen more desperate and scared people in one place, but here.

"There were a few stray phone lines, but there weren't any phones connected to them and their electrical systems were really messed up." Ricky said, trying to reiterate the reason they didn't call the police and I sighed.

"There has to be some way to get a signal at least out here. Has anyone checked for wifi? And don't you have the emergency option on your phones, check that?" I said and everyone got quiet as they started checking their phones. I felt Austin pull me down and I looked, seeing him with bloody fingers and I leaned down.

"Nope, no wifi." I heard Gerard say, looking at the blood, then hearing the sound of a door and seeing Ronnie with Erin's body in his arms, her head in her lap. He moved past everyone pretty well without getting it noticed, laying it at the base of the stairs.

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