Chapter 12 secret...

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*WARNING* cutting involved!


*with iona and riker*

Ionas pov

I've been getting messages all morning from an unknown number. Riker is starting to get suspicious and so am I. Hmm 1) I don't know how they got my number 2) how do they know about Danny 3) why are they saying really mean things about me and 4) do I tell Riker about this?

My phone went off before I could continue, it's from that person again. I read the message and broke down in tears.

The message said; 'The reason why Danny died was so he didn't have to see your poor excuse of a pretty face. Riker doesn't actually love you in fact he hates you!

I know it's not true but it's stuck in my head and if I block or delete her number then she's gonna track me down. What do I do?

Rikers pov

Iona has been getting messages all morning, every time she gets one she looks like she's going to cry. Who's messaging my baby? And why is she upset?

I heard the front door shut, dance academy again. I waited till she walked down the road, I made my way to her room to find her phone flashing. I picked it up and luckily there's no lock on it.

I was looking at all the messages from this morning, I almost cried. Why did she keep this from me?

*4hours later*

I've been waiting for iona to come home, she should've been back an hour ago. Just then the door opened. I rushed to find iona, she looks so pale. I noticed her wrists, they were covered in red lines.

"Iona, what's all...this?" I pointed at her arms.

"Uhm.. It's pen..." Obviously not pen, there bleeding.

"No...are they cuts?" Why? The prefect girl cuts?

"Fine ok. Yes there cuts." She's sounded so stressed.

"Come here" I opened my arms to hug her, she came and hugged me.

"Please don't do it. It's not healthy"

"I won't."

Ionas pov

Well not infront of him anyways. The only reason why is because the person who's texting me is a girl in my university, she's called Ashley. I hate her, everyone does.

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