Chapter 25. Tissues and more tissues

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*with Iona and Riker*

Rikers pov

I just heard a high pitched squeak which makes me jolt awake. I look at my iPhone it 00:02am, what was that noise? Oh well it's gone now. I wrap my arms protectively around Iona, she's been shaking ever since I put her in bed with me. I'm very worried.

*5 mins later*

I jolt awake by that noise again.

"Who's there?!" I whispered be careful not to wake her.

I look down at her. She's shaking and has a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. Her teeth start to chatter. I press the back of my hand on her forehead, she's boiling. She sounds raspy and unable to breathe. That's when I start to wake her.

"Hunny, please wake up. Come on open your eyes, wake up." She groans and tosses and turns. But eventually opens her eyes.

"What time is it?" Her voice is raspy but soft.

"It's 00:10am. Come with me." I get out of bed and turn on my blue lamp. I walk over to our bathroom which is connected to our room. "Come here baby."

"No, I don't want t-" she stopped suddenly and holds her throat. I speed walk to her and lift her into the bathroom. I sit on a stool and sit her on my knee.

"Move your hands. Let me feel your glans. " she reluctantly removes her hands and tilts her head up.

I feel her glans, there swollen, very swollen. I hold her close to me.

"What's wrong with me?" She can hardly speak.

"You've got swollen glans, don't talk. It'll hurt more. " she nods and nuzzles her head into my neck. She holds my shirt tight.

"Let's get you to the doctors. Good thing we're in sweats right." She shows a painful, weak smile. "Let's get our converse." She nods.

*skipping to when they're back home. *

"Let me get you some painkillers, movies and tissues." I stroke her head.


"Shhh. I'll be right back."

Ionas pov

He's being so sweet. He bought me a note pad so I could write what I want to say. He came through with everything. I sneezed, my sneezes are pitchy.


Riker walks over to me and wraps his arm around me and presses play. I write down 'What are we watching????'

"Thor." I smile.

By the end of the movie I've used so many tissues. Like what Riker said, "tissues, tissues and more tissues.'

I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

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