Chapter 28 everything is changing...

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*with Riker and Iona* Warning! some triggering moments!!!

Rikers POV

its been about 4 days now and Iona is worse than ever. shes practically white, hardly being able to breathe and stay awake and its affecting me in more ways than I thought. I just got a text from dad and I've to go to band practice.

" I'll be back asap baby, get more rest. I love you."

*at Rikers parents place*

I can hear the band practising already. I'm really late, when I walk into our basement everyone stops and looks at me.

"Where have you been!? your 20 minutes late Riker!" my dad is obviously pissed off. 

"I've just been taking care of Iona. that's all." I lied. I know I shouldn't but I did.

"Riker could I talk to you for a second sweetie?" my mom sounds worried. I nod and we went to the living room.

"Riker how much have you been sleeping?" she noticed.

"about and hour at the most." she hugged me then pulled back quickly.

" your a bit thin. how's Iona? " I felt tears burning my eyes. 

"shes in hospital, Mom. I dont know what to do. " I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"oh, Riker. go home, get some rest okay? I'll tell them your not feeling great. " I nodded and left.

As I'm driving home, my stomach growls but I ignore it. When I get home I grab a small bag of crackers and start to eat them while watching TV. When I finish them I start to feel sick. I rush to the bathroom and empty my stomach, that was weird, that's never happened before.

I start think about Iona, how lifeless she looks, how I can't do anything to help, stop it Riker. stop. she'll be better soon. shes strong she can pull through.  I better get some sleep to clear my head.

Is This Real an R5 love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora