Chapter 20. I didn't know you could...

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*with Iona and Riker*

Ionas pov

So the one thing that I haven't done in quite a while is draw. I can draw anime/manga and chibi's, Riker doesn't know at all. Maybe I should tell him or I could leave pieces of my drawings around the house for him to find. Wait... I could leave notes saying that he should try and find me and I'll be holding my big folder, that's it.

Riker is at the studio today so I best be getting started.

#1 'Riker I need help!!!'- on the front door.

#2 'Come to the living room, like now!'- coat hanger

#3 'Hurry! Go to the kitchen!!! I really need you!'- on his bass.

#4 'go to your room. Hence your not our!'- on the fridge

#5 'come to our room.'- on his original bed.

#6 'I need help to carry something before I hurt myself by dropping it.'- on our door

Done. I really will need help my folder is SO heavy! Riker will be home in a minute so time to show him my talent.

Rikers pov

After a long day in the studio I parked my car and headed up th path, only to find a note on the door.

"Riker I need your help!" Oh no what's happened!

I went over to hang up my coat to find another note.

"Come to the living room, like now!!" I'm so worried. I went to the living room as fast as I can. "Iona, where are you sweet-" I seen yet another note attached to my bass. "Hurry!! Come to the kitchen. I really need you!!!" I jogged to the kitchen. I looked to find another note. "Go to your room. Hence not ours." I ran up the stairs to my room and took a look and seen another note on my bed. "Come to our room" this isn't a scavenger hunt. Before I went into our room I read hopefully the last note. " I need your help carrying something before I hurt myself, dropping it"I rushed in, to find her carrying a folder.

She started falling but luckily I caught her in time. "Hey you ok? You worried me so much with those notes."

"I'm fine, honest. Here look at these." She passed me the folder.

When I opened it I seen drawings. So many. I was stunned. When I got to a section in the folder it was an R5 section. I looked at the R5 drawings they are amazing!

"You drew these?!"

"Yup." There's no way.

"I'm shocked" I seen her show a sweet smile at me.

I feel so lucky to have a sweet, loyal, innocent, musical and funny girl like her. Even though we're in a secret relationship. I want the fans to know about how much I love her. I'll ask her.

"Hey babe?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" She looked at me concerned.

"Do you want to go public? You know letting the fans know"


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