01. This Is How We Roll

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A/N: A WHOLE other type of story and honestly i'm super excited to share this story with all of you. i hope you guys enjoy just as much as i will enjoy writing this story.

I hope you all had a good new years and a merry Christmas :) I hope hendall isn't real...:(

01.This Is How We Roll

~ When your known as Plastic, you never go back~


Clarke walked into Lydia bedroom. She turned on the lights because it was to dark and she couldn't really see. She heard light groans escape lydia lips as she shuffled back and forth on the bed

"Turn off the lights" Lydia groaned placing the pillow over her face as if she's suffocating herself.

" NO! We have school dollface, get up and get ready" Clarke inform her. She sleepily sits up, her eyes closed as she let's out a small yawn and flutters her eyes open running her hands through her hair messily.

"What time is it?" She grumpily asked looking around to find her alarm clock which was nowhere in sight

" 7:00 Am" Lydia eyes widen. She didn't understand why Clarke was waking them up, so damn early.

"Clarke are you crazy? We have school at Nine" Lydia shouts slumping back down on her bed, putting the blanket over her body and face.

"Babe, beauty takes time. Lydia get up. You take the longest to get ready" Clarke said, grabbing the blanket and throwing it across the room.

" So does Selena but you don't see me complaining" Lydia mutters

"Lyds, she already woke me up" Selena comes from behind Clarke sleepily as she let's out a yawn while covering her mouth

"Get up, I won't ask again" Clarke ordered. Clarke made hef way out of lydia room and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Clarke Griffin share a house with Three of her best friends who are her sisters in a way. Elena who is 20 she is like the second oldest in this house, Clarke met her long ago on our way to Starbucks. Elena met Lydia who's 19, she's the strawberry blonde head who is incredibly adorable and then they have the lovely cute Selena Gomez who's the youngest out of their whole group. They all met and decided to just live together, they got along pretty quickly. They don't really have any friends considering there reputation at school which they don't really don't give a fuck about.


Selena climb into Lyds bed and crossed her legs looking at Lydia who's sleeping. She opens her eyes and smiles at Selena lightly. Selena is the youngest in this house, she go to Ark high with her girlfriends, everyone hates them because they think they are perfect. Selena never really understood the whole 'perfect' saying, sure they have tons of money and they live in a Mansion but that didn't mean they have problems.

" Okay, I'm up" Lydia chuckles getting out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Selena could hear the tap water turn on, She looks around the room and see her backpack and a fallen notebook. She reaches down and pick up the dark red notebook, opening the pages her eyes roam and widen at the sight of what she's seeing. Lydia was Smart? Since when? Once selena heard the tap water shut off, she quickly close the book and put it in her backpack and stood up straight.

"Your still here?" Lydia wondered. Selema smiled a little as she just shrugged. Lydia skips to her closet and picks out a outfit. Selena thought it would be best if she didnt tell her what she saw and just leave her with her things and decisions. She make her way towards the door but stopped halfway once Selena hear her speak

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