06. Found Love Where It Wasn't Suppost To Be

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06. Found Love Where It Wasn't Suppost To Be


"Hey, sorry I wasn't in class yesterday...dentist" Lincoln said as he showed his teeth with a smile. Bellamy stared at him, giving him no emotion whatsoever.

"What's your intention with my sister?" Bellamy asked, his arms crossed his chest and octavia and Lincoln eyes widen

"Bellamy!" Octavia whined. Bellamy looked at her and then back at Lincoln.

"Uh, I really like her. Look, I just want to take her out" Lincoln informed him. Bellamy sigh nodding his head. Lincoln didn't look that bad but also, he just didn't trust him either.

"Bellamy!" Bellamy whipped his head in the direction of where the voice was coming from and he saw Clarke her arms crossed and waiting for him. Octavia mouth dropped

"Bell, you do know who she--"

"I know" Bellamy intrupted her as he stared at octavia was a hopeful look.

"Okay, have her home by 11. I got to go" Bellamy said as Lincoln nodded and reassured him as he walked to Clarke.

"What?" His tone sounded annoyed. Clarke raised an eyebrow as she rolled her eyes.

"The teacher sent me to get you. We have cooking class. Let's go" Clarke said causing Bellamy to groan. The teacher couldn't wait for 5 more minutes? Bellamy walked behind her as he for some reason started to check her out. Clarke was fucking fit and her curves where unbelievable amazing. Her loose blonde curly hair cascading down her back. Bellamy felt himself drool, but picked himself back up. He shaked the thought out of his head and walked ahead of her.

He had some thought that he really didn't want to think about. One thing Bellamy knows is he doesn't like Clarke. Clarke is someone he doesn't want to get involved. He could get anyone he wants and he didn't want Clarke. They walked into the classroom, all eyes on them as Clarke pushed past Bellamy as she walked away swaying her hips making Bellamy smirk. He rolled his eyes and walked to his friends.

"Uh, is it true?" Allison asked coming from behind the table sneaking up behind the guys as they turned there attention to her

"Is what true?" Stiles asked confused

"That you guys are friends with the dolls...And Harry your dating one?" Perrie said, as Allison nodded, agreeing.

"Oh, That's none of your business if I'm dating her " Harry said through gritted teeth. Why couldn't they mind there own business.

"I'll take that as a yes. You don't have to be such an ass" Allison said as she begin to walk away making harry groan. Allison and Harry have been close since forever and people say she might have a tiny crush on him. Harry noticed and he tried to keep his distant but, she always found him. He didn't want to break her heart because he cared about her and now Harry worries she might be a factor in his and Selena...relationship? He doesn't even know what to call him and Selena.

"Allison wait!" Harry yelled as he walked after her. Perrie stayed and looked at Bellamy making him chuckle

"We just hang out. They aren't that bad of girl" Bellamy tried to tell them but they wouldn't budge. They spended there whole time hating and making fun of them that they started to like each other (Litterally, except for Bellamy and Clarke. They hated each other existence) but what Bellamy didn't know was, deep down he cared for Clarke.

Clarke being the Stubborn one, she knows that they might be friends but, she couldn't have that. She hated him with every fiber in her body because he only criticized them and talked bad. I'm pretty sure if they ever found love, They would notice.

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