02. My Senses Comes Alive

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02. My Senses Comes Alive


"Okay Class. We have a new student. Please stand up" she immediately lift her head up. New student? There's usually no one that comes by here. It caught her attention and she was intrigued by the boy standing in front of everyone. He had dark black hair, his eyes were a nice shade of brown and his lips were a nice color of pink.

"Uh, I'm stiles" he stood there awkwardly as he looked at Lydia. His eyes never left hers and since she was the only one who actually was paying attention she nudged Lydia as she stumbled her writing and stared at her, confused.

"What?" She mouthed

"New student staring at your hot shot" Lydia turned her gaze to the boy and she immediately rolled her eyes she couldn't deny that He was dead-on gorgeous and Clarke noticed that look

"Nuh-uh sweetheart! Let him come to you and play hard to get" Clarke winked as she put her focused back on her book that she had in front of her.


Class finished and all the girls wanted to do was go home but, to there unluck, the teacher talked

"Okay guys. Tomorrow for cooking class, I will pair you guys in 3 groups so, 8 in each group and that will be your group for the whole semester. So, Allison, Perrie, Scott, Zayn, Liam, Danielle, Caroline and Klaus your group one" the teacher said as she looked around to find another group. The girls looked at eachother as they were hoping they would get each other.

"Group two will be Octavia, Lincoln, Damon, Bonnie, Eleanor, Louis, Derek & Hannah" the teacher said as the girls and boys eyes widen as they realized they are the last group that was not said.

"No" Bellamy shouted standing up in a matter of protest. His hands banging on the desk.

"We can't be in a group" Bellamy protested

"Calm down, Grumpy. We don't want to be with you" Clarke rolled her eyes as she stood up and looked at the group "we'll be in Group two" Clarke smiled as the teacher smiled shaking his head

"No. I pick the group, this is your group now leave" the teacher said as she packed up her things and walked away following the students leaving the dolls and the boys together, shocked. Bellamy groan picking up as stiles stood up and stared at Lydia. She gave him a 'What the hell are you looking at?' Look. Stiles looked away and Lydia cleared her throat.

"So, if we are partners we need to get to know each other..." Lydia ranted on, the boys looked at eachother

"What do you propose we do?" Harry thick raspy voice chipped in,

"We need to hang out. We can go to you place" Lydia thought, Clarke eyes widen not liking that idea

"I'm not going somewhere that's dirty. They can come to our place" Clarke cleared her throat. Her arms crossed her chest as she raised an eyebrow at them

Bellamy scoffed at her words "Whatever Princess" he snarled at her, she raised her eyebrow at him coming closer to him so they were inches apart

"What did you just call me?" Clarke gritted her teeth at him. Bellamy walked away and the boys followed him but Stiles stopped and turned to lydia

"I'll see you around" Lydia knit her brows together and just turned to the girls without saying a word.


"I can't believe they are going to come" Selena chuckled as she brought in the chips and drinks.

"Whatever. I hate that Bellamy guy. Calling me princess like he knows me. Who the fuck does he think he is?" Clarke said, annoyed. She never met someone so obnoxious like Bellamy, it bothered her so damn much.

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