15. Wanted

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15. Wanted


"Woah, you look hot" Clarke said her hands on her hips as she smiled at Elena. Elena smiled and nodded her head, moving a strand away from her face. Elena and Clarke haven't talked much especially since Elena have been hanging out with Stefan alot lately. Sometimes Clarke feels like her friends are leaving her, basically some people aren't scared of them like before and some actually considers them...Nice. it's actually kinda annoys Clarke a bit but she doesn't show it.

Elena on the other hand has been hanging out with Stefan. Stefan took her once to his place where he cooked for her and Elena found that absolutely perfect and cute because she knew Stefan was showing off. Sometimes when Elena comes over unannounced she sees Stefan and he always pretends that he works out. Elena does miss her friends though, she missed hanging out with them.

"C? I was wondering we should all go to Stefan place and he can cook for us and we can all get to know each other...again" Elena thought with a hopeful smile. Clarke raised an eyebrow. She didn't want to go but, it couldn't be that bad.

"Sure..." Clarke pursued her lips tight and went to grab the toast from the toaster.

"I'm going upstairs. I'll see you later on okay?" Elena nodded and took a seat on the table as she took out her phone and started to text Stefan.

To: Stefan♡

"Hey B, Can we have a hangout?"

From: Stefan ♡

"When? I'm kinda seeing the guys today"

Elena bite her bottom lip. She totally forgot that Stefan had plans.

To: Stefan♡

"Today. Oh god, I'm sorry. I totally forgot about you hanging with the boys. I could cancel"

From: Stefan♡

"No, it's okay. My friends can join us. It'll be a group hangout. We are all friends here"

Elena chuckled at the text. She actually doesn't know if they are all friends but she did find it cute that Stefan thought so. It's a hangout. What could seriously go wrong?


"Why am I coming?" Selena grumbled as she placed her hands in her jean jacket. It was freezing outside and she was afraid that she might get nomonia. It was too cold and she hated that Clarke made them all walk. Selena was cuddling next to Lydia who held her hand for dear life. The both girls freezing while clarke and Elena thinked outside the box and decided to wear pants with a long sweater. They looked comfortable.

"Because, you love me" Elena said turning around to face Selena red face. Selena scrunch her nose up and sticked her tongue out making Elena chuckle.

"It's fucking freezing! I'm going to turn into an icicle " the girls laughed and Selena pouted.

"Shut up!" Selena protested.

The girls finally arrived and noticed another car outside. Selena eyes widen already knowing who's car that was.

"He's here?" Selena shrieked already feeling the anger rise in her.

"Selena! Don't start the drama, please. Be good" Elena pouted and Selena noticed how important this was for her so she nodded.

"Okay, I promise"


"Oh my god! Who's the one my brother is sleeping with?" The girls fist turned into a fist as soon as they heard what came out of Damon mouth. Stefan comes from behind Damon and slaps his head. Elena was kinda angry. She never did like Damon, she saw him around but not once did she make eye contact with him.

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