24. Haters

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24. Haters


I was pretty upset knowing that we are on our way home. Yes I was happy I get to see the guys but I really enjoyed hanging with Octavia. She had a wild side and I'm surprised because I don't think Bellamy knows that side of her yet. Yesterday was a huge turn for us, we were playing truth and dare and since we all have boyfriends and we don't do 'Cheating' we respected our boyfriends and octavia loved that and quickly agreed but I only think octavia agreed because I'm dating her brother. Octavia dared herself to wear a bikini outside and with the first guy she meets, she will kiss him. At first I didn't like that idea but whatever happens at this hotel stays in this hotel. Plus I don't want protective Bellamy going all psycho on me.

We're driving back home and Selena thought it's a good idea to go to Starbucks and quickly order something over drive thru. We all ordered a Carmel frappé and went home. I decided to go to our place first and when we got there, Octavia gasped looking at our wide looking house.

"Woah, it's cute. I always heard about this place just no one ever got neared it" that makes me smile. I opened the door, landing on my feets as I let the air I breath in.

"It's so pink. Did you always want It that color" I turned towards octavia who kept attacking me with question over question. I took a deep breath already knowing she won't let this go.

"Yes" I simply answer already trying to get over this question. I look at Selena hoping she understands my help of plead. She noticed and giggles.

"Octavia. Want to go inside? It's much prettier inside" Selena said grabbing a hold of her hand leaving me alone. Finally air where I can breath without sharing...kinda. I open the trunk of the range rover and pulled out the luggage from the back. It wasn't much but us girls like bringing everything.

Elena and Lydia comes and helps me. I smile at them as they cross there arms staring ahead where Selena and octavia are at. Lydia awkwardly let out a cough catching my attention.

"What?" I question

"So what's going on with Octavia? Are we hanging with her now or what?" Lydia asked. I bite the inside of my lip

"Was she bad? Do you think she's not worthy of hanging with us?" I questioned with a raise eyebrow. Lydia smiled looking at Elena.

"Are you crazy? We love her!" Lydia and Elena shouted in sync. A chuckled escaped my lips and nodded.


"So how are you and Harry?" I reached into the cabinets and grabbed a bag of regular chips and added them into a Bowl. I looked at octavia waiting for me to answer.

"We are great. He's amazing" I smile. I walk upstairs, entering my bedroom. I took a seat on the bed. I know I haven't exactly been employee on the month of girlfriends but I really do care about harry. I passed the bowl towards octavia who's staring at it.

"No thanks. I don't eat carbs." She tells me while I had chips in my mouth. Well then. I put the Bowl down and looked around.

"Did you know harry and I had a thing?" That caught my attention. I looked at her as she smiled.

"We were lovers until my brother caught us. That was the past" I stare at her in disbelief

"He's mine you know what right?" I couldn't help but laugh. What the hell just happened. Where the hell did the sweet innocent fun, risk taker girl.

"Oh sweetheart you must be in denial. He's my boyfriend. He's not yours. He's not your property and honey with that type of attitude you won't find any guy" I answer as she comes closer and I fill in the gap as Clarke walks in.

"Hey? Everything okay?" Clarke asked, staring at us. I know how Clarke is and she looks like she's the perfect angel but in reality Octavia Is the devil in disguise.

"Yup" I make my way downstairs and Clarke follows me along with Octavia. I make it outside and enter the car, already ready to go to bells.

Octavia better think twice before she comes here and trues go steal my boyfriend away. I recently got him back and I wont lose him. I stayed quite in the car and the girls noticed. They know that if I don't talk something is in my mind but also they know that if I don't say anything that's because I don't want to talk about it.

We got to the destination and Clarke honked on the car. She turned around and smiled at Octavia

"You're home" She smiles and gets out.

"Thanks. I had fun! It was nice hanging out with you guys" the girls gush and I mentally slap myself. This girl is clearly wearing a mask.

We all got out and I quickly got out and noticed Harry. He looks at me with a smile. He waves and I automatically feel my feets running towards him. I jump into his arms my legs tangled with his torso and his hands provided to lift me up a little. I cup his face and crash my lips to his. I could feel octavia burn stare into my back. I jump off of him and hug him again. I missed him.

I stare at Stefan who's kissing Elena all sweetly and losing there breath. Once they Parted, Stefan looks at me with a smile as he opened his arms for me to crash in. I laughed and hugged him.

"How was it?" Bellamy asked as his hands never left Clarke side.

"It went good. Your sister was a blast" Lydia smiled as stiles kissed her head. Lydia couldn't help but melt into Stiles touch. She never met someone like stiles who was so fragile in front of her.

"That's good. I'm glad she had fun" Bellamy answered wrapping his free arm around Octavia. She leaned in closer but her eyes never left harry. Harry noticed her stare and just smiled in her direction

"What did we miss? Anything good?" Clarke asked

"No, just lots of hanging out" Stiles answered with a simple smile.

"Okay, cool" She said.

Octavia can be jeleous she can hate me all she wants but one thing that I'm certain of is, I'm not letting harry go. He's my boyfriend and he loves me. She can hate all she wants because at the end of the day, he's with me.

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