14. Kiss Me Like You Wanna Be Loved♥

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You know, I didn't think I'd ever be able to sleep again. 

And I was right. 

After everything that had happened at the school, I hadn't been able to get much sleep. This whole entire week had just been hell, so after everything that happened I needed to just relax. Which is why when Stiles tried inviting me on his little outing with Scott in an attempt to get him over his breakup with Allison, I declined. 

Partially due to the fact that I was just way too exhausted to do anything "fun" and because I felt like this outing was more of a boy's only thing.  

But oh yeah, Allison had broken up with Scott and he wasn't taking it so well. Allison had told him something along the lines of not trusting him, which I understood but at the same time was unfair, and basically broke up with him. Scott was going through the stages of a breakup, and right now he was still in the denial stage. He kept insisting that they were on a break, not broken up. 

Well, I don't know what's more sad. The fact that Scott and Allison were perfect together and super nauseatingly happy but not together or that she was the one who had ended it. Scott was in denial, not wanting to believe that it could actually be over. I felt bad for him but everyone goes through breakups and heart aches. 

It's part of life. 

There's also a billion songs written about love, breakups, and all that other junk. 

Which is why right now, I was listening to my own love kind of music. I usually listened to Taylor Swift anyways, all her songs reminding me of Stiles and the fact that she writes the songs that are on the sound track of my life. 

I just sat on my bed, humming to the beat of the song while I tried working on homework. I kept trying to work on my homework but I couldn't get the night of the attack out of my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling of... 

feeling helpless. 

I couldn't help but think maybe everything would have gone a whole lot better if maybe I had knew how to defend myself. I guess, I couldn't help but not think about learning to defend myself. Which is how I found myself ditching homework, and slowly walking into my dad's study room. He was on the computer, working on some sort of business work for whatever it is that he does. 

I coughed, causing him to look up and smile at me before asking me what I needed. 

"I can't stop thinking about...the night at the school and everything before that.." I sighed while slowly walking over, sitting on a chair. "Then i thought about how you told me I should learn to defend myself...I was wondering if you could." 

Dad couldn't help but smile and let out a small laugh before shaking his head. He closed his computer, putting his hands on top of his desk while smirking at me. 

"So..where do we begin?" 

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