17. Distractions

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You know, waking up in the morning next to Stiles was something I could get used to. In the morning, dad had come knocking in the room and made Stiles fall out of bed. To say, it was the most embarrassing situation in the entire freaking world and he tried telling Stiles not to get me pregnant. I bet Stiles twenty bucks that my dad had already texted his dad to tell him that he walked in on us cuddling together. 

Stiles laughed, counter arguing that if his dad knew then he would have already kicked down my door and probably dragged him out of my room by the ear. 

I decided I'd drive today, getting ready before telling dad bye and driving Stiles home so he'd change real quick. 

After arriving at school, me and Stiles walked hand in hand to the steps of the school. It was funny how couple-y we became so quickly but I didn't want to waste anymore time by being afraid of being open. Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulders, making me laugh while grabbing his hand and holding onto it. It felt safe being in his arms and I've said it before and will more than likely say it again, 

there's no place I'd rather be. 

I laughed while I kissed his chin and smiling up at him. Yup, we were one of those couples and it was freaking fantastic so far. 

Sadly, however, our coupleness was cut short by Scott practically tackling us off the steps of the school. Stiles and I both looked at Scott confused, waiting for him to explain why he almost sent us flying down a flight of stairs. 

"This is going to be impossible you know." Scott pointed out, talking about getting Allison's necklace from her. And honestly, he was right. It's not like this was going to be an easy task or anything. I mean, Scott did have to get the necklace from his ex who didn't want to speak to him at all. 

"Look, don't freak out. Everything's going to be fine. All you have to do is get the necklace from Allison and find the Alpha, then get cured and you'll be able to get Allison back." Stiles pointed out, making me laugh at how he was listening all the things Scott needed to check off the list like a trip to the grocery store.

"Oh, is that all?" I laughed while smirking at Stiles before turning back to a Scott who was currently freaking out like a white girl who dropped her caramel frappachino from Starbucks. 

"She's not going to give it to me! She won't even talk to me!" Scott freaked out. 

"First off, everything is going to be fine so stop freaking out. Just remind Allison of all the reasons why she fell for you in the first place. Give her the good ol' Scott McCall charm." I laughed but was actually completely serious about. If Scott could just remind Allison of why she fell for him in the first place then everything would be fine. 

"How am I supposed to do that if she won't even talk to me.?" Scott groaned. 

Stiles turned his attention to me, throwing an idea out there. "Why don't you just ask to borrow it? Girls borrow things all the time right?" 

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