Chapter 8

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          After we washed dishes. I tell Luke I have to take a shower and to make himself at home. I go upstairs and get a towel. I jump in the shower, I realized I forgot my clothes  in my room. I finish and get out. I dry myself with the towel. I wrap the towel around myself. I walk to my room and Luke is sitting on my window pane playing with my guitar. "Oh uhhhh C-c-c-cece" He covers his eyes. I quickly put on a bra and underwear. "Okay you can look, I'm not naked anymore" I say as I'm getting on my shirt and biker shorts. Luke looks. "Oh you do have a piercing" Luke says awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah  Luke, See on my hip and belly button" I realize the scars on my sides. I quickly pull down my shirt hoping he hasn't noticed. "You look beautiful without make up" He says smiling. "T-Thanks" I stutter.


    I kept thinking about her scars. I feel like she needs to be fixed.  "So Luke what do you feel like doing? Cause I can't sleep. We could watch a movie or we could try to sleep" She says. "We should get some sleep cos we don't wanna look like zombies tomorrow meeting my mum, brother, and dad" I said. "Sounds like a plan" She stated. I lay on the floor. "What are you doing Lukey?" She asked. "Sleeping on the floor" I said. "No you aren't. You're sleeping in my bed with me" She said. I got up and laid down next to her. 


             I lay down next to him. I start to play with his hand. "Your hand is big" I giggled. "Yours is tiny" He says. I play with his bracelets. He tenses up. I feel cold skin. He pulls his hand away and turns his body so his back is facing me. "Luke do you wanna talk about it?" I asked. "No love that's a story for another day" He says quietly and turns to look at me. I see pain in his eyes. I drop the subject. "So Luke tell me about your mom... well entire family" I say.  "Mum is a really nice woman... Her name is Elizabeth but people call her Liz. My dad is eh. His name is Andrew.  Ben is the oldest out of him and Jack. They just come home from uni. They are absolutely annoying" He says. "They sound like really cool people" I say as I cuddle into him. I start to drift into a deep sleep.



I texted Ben. I was up before Cece. 

Bro. Could you bring me some clothes? I can't. I'm at my girlfriend's house -Lewi-

Sure thing Lucifer -Ben-

Thanks *insert address here* -Lewi-

Okay be there in 5 mins -Ben-

I left my phone on the nightstand. I look over at Cece. She looked so peaceful. I get my phone and go on Twitter.

@Luke5SOS: Don't she look precious? I'm so lucky 💕 @Little_Cece09.

It's been 5 mins and Ben texts me. 

Oi!, I'm outside -Ben-

I get up really quietly and go outside. "Lucas long time no see. I missed you" Ben said. "I know. Dude I have to go back, but I'll be home in a little while" I say as I take my clothes. I go back inside and walk upstairs. I look at Cece, she's still sleeping and i look at the clock. It's 11:30AM . I shake Cece. "Baby it's 11:30AM it's time to get up"I said. "No" She says. "Wake up Cierra. it's time we have to go with my family come on" I say. "Fine" She finally says opening her eyes. 


            I get up and look at Luke. "I have to take a shower" Luke says. "Come on you can use my shower. Let me just grab you a towel" I say as I get him a towel. He goes into the bathroom. I connect my iphone on the dock and let the music go on shuffle. Flaws by Bastille comes on. I make my bed. 10 mins, Luke appears in only a towel. "Uh Luke? why are you naked?" I say covering my eyes. "Oh I left my clothes in here. You can look now" He says. I get my clothes. "I'm going to take a quick shower" I say as I rush to the bathroom.  I take a quick shower. I get dressed quick. I curl my hair and do my make up. I put on my beanie. "Are you ready?" Luke asks. "Yeah" I said. We walked out of the house. I locked the front door. We get into Luke's car. "So when we get into my house don't mention anything about you coming on tour or about us fake dating" He says. "Uh okay" I say. We get to his house. 

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