Chapter 50

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          Today's the day I'm picking Mashton up from the airport. I got up and got dressed quickly. "Fabian wake up I need you to drive me to pick up the boys" I shook him awake. "It's so early" Fabian complained. "I'll make you coffee" I smiled. Fabian got up and got dressed. It was like 4am I heard baby Miguel crying. I walk to his room. I hear someone getting up. "It's okay guys I got him you two head to bed" I called out to who ever got up to get Miguel. I got Miguel dressed. "Is he coming with us?" Fabian whispered. "Yeah let's give them a break." I said. I got his diaper bag and stuff. I go out and get Miguel situated in the car seat. I got in and Fabian had his coffee in his hand. My tummy has gotten so big I can't  drive. I made Fabian get his license about three weeks ago. He hated me but it was worth it. I mean I feel bad cause I'm making him take me everywhere. We got to the airport. I seen Mikey and Ash. "Cece!!!!" Mikey hugs me tight. "Hey Mikey and Ash" I said. "Hey Cece? Can we head out of here before we get mobbed." Ash said looking worried. I nodded and led them back to the car. "Awwww who's this little monster?" Mikey cooed. "This is Miguel Angel" I smiled. "He's so cute" Ash awed. 

          "How was the flight?" Fabian asked. "Long but worth it. We stopped at home to spend a day with the family and then left." Ash said. "I haven't seen my family in so long I missed my mom but I like coming out and traveling you know" Mikey said. "How is the pregnancy going Cece?" Ash asked. "I hate it but love it I also miss Luke like crazy but he really hurt me with what he said"I said. We get to my house. I see my brother in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. He looked so tired. "Good Morning guys" Jamie yawned. "Jamie it's like 5 in the morning what are you doing up?" I asked. "I have to get back to work" Jamie was fixing his tie. "Mate maybe you should wait till you get some good sleep" Mikey said. "No I'm fine" Jamie waved him off. My phone started ringing. I looked at it. It was Luke. I put my phone on silent. "Who was that?" Mikey asked. "oh no one It was just my alarm" I said avoiding his eyes. "Oh that reminds me We are getting new numbers since, you are switching phone plans" Fabian says to me. 

        "I'll see you later tonight Nena, Please don't wake up Vanessa she's not feeling well right now so just let her get some sleep" Jamie said. "Alright" I smiled and kissed his cheek. He kissed Miguel's forehead. "I'll see you all later" Jamie waved us goodbye and got his briefcase. After Jamie left I made some breakfast. My stomach feels a bit weird. 


          My phone is ringing. I look at it, it's my mum. She wanted to facetime. I accept. "Hello?" I said. "Ashton? Where are you? Luke came by today to find you" Mum said. Cece froze. "What did you tell him mum" My eyes went wide. "That you are in Adelaide with aunt Jane" Mum said. "What did he say?" I asked. "He was going to fly down to see you and he has some family here that he wants to see" Mum said. Cece dropped the pan she was holding. "Cece you okay?" Mikey asked. "Mum I have to go I'll call you in a while" I said and hung up. Cece didn't respond. "So he's coming here?" Fabian asked. "He isn't coming near her don't worry we won't let him" Mikey said. "Cece you need to calm down" I said. "He can't come here" Cece freaked out. "He won't be able to find you anyways. My aunt doesn't even know I'm here yet" I told her. She calmed down a bit. "Cece why don't you go and rest mija" Fabian helped her up and took her to the couch. "Luke better stay away she has enough stress" Mikey said. I nodded. 

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